Hadith 26: ‘Ali was in dire need (of financial assistance), he had absolutely nothing. So he left the house and found a dinar…

Hadith 25: Umm Ayman entered the presence of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and she was crying. The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to her, “What makes you cry? May Allah not make your eyes cry.”…
December 11, 2018
Hadith 27: The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam took Hassan and Hussain by the hand and said, “Whoever loves me and loves these two, and their father and mother, shall be with me on my level on the Day of Resurrection.”
December 11, 2018

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Hadith 26


أن عليا احتاج حاجة شديدة، ولم يكن عنده شيء، فخرج من البيت، فوجد دينارا فعرفه فلم يعرفه أحد، فقالت فاطمة عليها السلام: ما عليك لو جعلتها على نفسك، وابتعت بها لنا دقيقا، فإن جاء صاحبه رددته عليه. قال: فخرج يبتاع به دقيقا، فأتى رجلا معه دقيق، فقال: كم بدينار؟ فقال: كذا، وكذا، فقال: كل. فكال، فأعطاه الدينار، فقال: والله لا آخذه! قال: فرجع إلى فاطمة عليها السلام فأخبرها، فقالت: سبحان الله أخذت دقيق الرجل، وجئت بدينارك، قال: حلف أن لا يأخذه، فما أصنع؟ قال: فمكث يعرف الدينار، وهم يأكلون الدقيق، حتى نفد ولم يعرفه أحد، فخرج يشتري به دقيقا، فإذا هو بذلك الرجل بعينه، معه دقيق، قال: كم بدينار؟ قال: كذا وكذا، قال: كل. فكال له، فأعطاه، فحلف أن لا يأخذه، فجاء بالدينار والدقيق، فأخبر فاطمة عليها السلام، فقالت: سبحان الله جئت بالدقيق، ورجعت بدينارك؟ فقال: فما أصنع؟ حلف أن لا يأخذه حتى ينفد، قالت: كان لك أن تبادره إلى اليمين. قال: فمكث يعرف الدينار، وهم يأكلون الدقيق حتى نفد، قال: فخرج يشتري دقيقا، فإذا هو بذلك الرجل بعينه، معه دقيق! قال: كم بدينار؟ قال: كذا وكذا! قال: كل، فكال له فقال علي: والله لتأخذنه، ثم رمى به وانصرف. قال رسول صلى الله عليه وسلم يا علي كيف كان أمر الدينار؟ فأخبره أمره وما صنع، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لعلي الله رضي الله عنه: أتدري من الرجل؟ ذاك جبرائيل صلوات الله عليه، وكان رزقا ساقه الله إليكم، والذي نفسي بيده لو لم تحلف ما زلت تجده ما دام الدينار في يدك.

‘Ali was in dire need (of financial assistance), he had absolutely nothing. So he left the house and found a dinar. He made a public announcement (i.e. to see if somebody would claim it) and nobody laid claim to it. Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anhu asked, “What harm is there if you claim it for yourself? You can purchase some flour for us; if the owner comes (to claim it), you can return it back to him.” (After taking the dinar) ‘Ali went out to purchase some flour. He came to a man that had flour and asked, “How much can I get for one dinar?” The man replied, “Such and such an amount.” He said, “Weigh it (i.e. so I can purchase it).” He weighed it. ‘Ali went to hand the dinar to the man but he said: “By Allah, I will not take it.” ‘Ali returned to Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anhu and informed her of what had transpired. She said, “Subhan Allah; you took the flour of the man and returned with your dinar.” He said, “He swore an oath that he would not take it from me, what can I do?” ‘Ali continued with his public announcement (i.e. to see if somebody would claim the dinar) while they were consuming the flour. The dinar remained unclaimed until such a time whereby all the flour had been consumed. ‘Ali went out (again) with the dinar to purchase (more) flour. He came across the exact same man as before, and (again) he had flour with him. “How much can I get for one dinar?” The man replied, “Such and such an amount.” He said, “Weigh it (i.e. so I can purchase it).” He took hold of the flour and said, “By Allah, you will take it (i.e. the dinar) from me.” He tossed the dinar to him and left. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to ‘Ali: “O ‘Ali, what happened with the dinar?” ‘Ali informed him of the dinar and what he subsequently did. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Do you know who the man was? It was Jibril ‘alayh al Salam. The dinar was rizq (sustenance) which Allah brought for you. By Him in Whose hand my soul lies, if you did not take that oath you would have found it (i.e. the flour) with you for as long as you had the dinar in your hand.”


Ibn al Maghazili narrates this hadith with two chains of transmission from Abu Harun al ‘Abdi — from Abu Sa’id al Khudri radiya Llahu ‘anhu.[1]

The hadith is batil (false). It contains the following defects:

  • As mentioned previously (on more than one occasion), Abu Harun al ‘Abdi is matruk (suspected of forgery).
  • Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
  • Both chains of transmission contain narrators that I could not trace.

NEXT⇒ Hadith 27

[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 414 and 415.

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Hadith 26


أن عليا احتاج حاجة شديدة، ولم يكن عنده شيء، فخرج من البيت، فوجد دينارا فعرفه فلم يعرفه أحد، فقالت فاطمة عليها السلام: ما عليك لو جعلتها على نفسك، وابتعت بها لنا دقيقا، فإن جاء صاحبه رددته عليه. قال: فخرج يبتاع به دقيقا، فأتى رجلا معه دقيق، فقال: كم بدينار؟ فقال: كذا، وكذا، فقال: كل. فكال، فأعطاه الدينار، فقال: والله لا آخذه! قال: فرجع إلى فاطمة عليها السلام فأخبرها، فقالت: سبحان الله أخذت دقيق الرجل، وجئت بدينارك، قال: حلف أن لا يأخذه، فما أصنع؟ قال: فمكث يعرف الدينار، وهم يأكلون الدقيق، حتى نفد ولم يعرفه أحد، فخرج يشتري به دقيقا، فإذا هو بذلك الرجل بعينه، معه دقيق، قال: كم بدينار؟ قال: كذا وكذا، قال: كل. فكال له، فأعطاه، فحلف أن لا يأخذه، فجاء بالدينار والدقيق، فأخبر فاطمة عليها السلام، فقالت: سبحان الله جئت بالدقيق، ورجعت بدينارك؟ فقال: فما أصنع؟ حلف أن لا يأخذه حتى ينفد، قالت: كان لك أن تبادره إلى اليمين. قال: فمكث يعرف الدينار، وهم يأكلون الدقيق حتى نفد، قال: فخرج يشتري دقيقا، فإذا هو بذلك الرجل بعينه، معه دقيق! قال: كم بدينار؟ قال: كذا وكذا! قال: كل، فكال له فقال علي: والله لتأخذنه، ثم رمى به وانصرف. قال رسول صلى الله عليه وسلم يا علي كيف كان أمر الدينار؟ فأخبره أمره وما صنع، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لعلي الله رضي الله عنه: أتدري من الرجل؟ ذاك جبرائيل صلوات الله عليه، وكان رزقا ساقه الله إليكم، والذي نفسي بيده لو لم تحلف ما زلت تجده ما دام الدينار في يدك.

‘Ali was in dire need (of financial assistance), he had absolutely nothing. So he left the house and found a dinar. He made a public announcement (i.e. to see if somebody would claim it) and nobody laid claim to it. Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anhu asked, “What harm is there if you claim it for yourself? You can purchase some flour for us; if the owner comes (to claim it), you can return it back to him.” (After taking the dinar) ‘Ali went out to purchase some flour. He came to a man that had flour and asked, “How much can I get for one dinar?” The man replied, “Such and such an amount.” He said, “Weigh it (i.e. so I can purchase it).” He weighed it. ‘Ali went to hand the dinar to the man but he said: “By Allah, I will not take it.” ‘Ali returned to Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anhu and informed her of what had transpired. She said, “Subhan Allah; you took the flour of the man and returned with your dinar.” He said, “He swore an oath that he would not take it from me, what can I do?” ‘Ali continued with his public announcement (i.e. to see if somebody would claim the dinar) while they were consuming the flour. The dinar remained unclaimed until such a time whereby all the flour had been consumed. ‘Ali went out (again) with the dinar to purchase (more) flour. He came across the exact same man as before, and (again) he had flour with him. “How much can I get for one dinar?” The man replied, “Such and such an amount.” He said, “Weigh it (i.e. so I can purchase it).” He took hold of the flour and said, “By Allah, you will take it (i.e. the dinar) from me.” He tossed the dinar to him and left. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to ‘Ali: “O ‘Ali, what happened with the dinar?” ‘Ali informed him of the dinar and what he subsequently did. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Do you know who the man was? It was Jibril ‘alayh al Salam. The dinar was rizq (sustenance) which Allah brought for you. By Him in Whose hand my soul lies, if you did not take that oath you would have found it (i.e. the flour) with you for as long as you had the dinar in your hand.”


Ibn al Maghazili narrates this hadith with two chains of transmission from Abu Harun al ‘Abdi — from Abu Sa’id al Khudri radiya Llahu ‘anhu.[1]

The hadith is batil (false). It contains the following defects:

  • As mentioned previously (on more than one occasion), Abu Harun al ‘Abdi is matruk (suspected of forgery).
  • Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
  • Both chains of transmission contain narrators that I could not trace.

NEXT⇒ Hadith 27

[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 414 and 415.