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لما خلق الله الخلق اختار العرب، فاختار قريشا، واختار بني هاشم من قريش، فأنا خيرة من خيرة، ألا فأحبوا قريشا، ولا تبغضوها فتهلكوا، ألا كل سبب ونسب منقطع يوم القيامة ما خلا سببي ونسبي، ألا وإن علي بن أبي طالب من نسبي، من أحبه فقد أحبني، ومن أبغضه فقد أبغضني.
When Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala created the creation, He selected the Arabs. And (from the Arabs) He selected the Quraysh. And He selected Banu Hashim from the Quraysh. For that reason, I am the best of the best. Therefore, love the Quraysh; and do not hate them, so as not to be destroyed. Every familial relationship and lineage will be severed on the Day of Judgment, except for my familial relations and my lineage. Verily, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib is from my lineage; whoever loves him, has loved me, and whoever hates him, has hated me.
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — from Muhammad ibn Yunus ibn Musa al Qurashi (al Kudaymi — Ziyad ibn Sahl al Harithi narrated to us — ‘Ammarah ibn Maymun narrated to us — ‘Amr ibn Dinar narrated to us — from Salim — from Ibn ‘Umar who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]
‘Ammarah ibn Maymun is majhul (unknown).
Ziyad ibn Sahl al Harithi could not be traced.
Al Kudaymi is da’if (weak) and suspected of lying.
Ibn al Maghazili is (also) da’if (weak).
The hadith also appears with only the beginning portion “Every familial relationship and lineage will be cut on the Day of Judgement, except for my familial relations and my lineage,” without the additional wording (at the end). Therefore, I did not deal with it. However, al Albani and Sa’d al Humaid investigated all the various chains of transmission of this version.[2]
Imam Ahmed and others narrate the hadith with the following wording, “Verily, on the Day of Judgement, all lineages will be severed except for my lineage, my familial relations, and my relatives (through marriage).”[3]
Al Albani and Sa’d al Humaid studied all the various chains of transmission of this version.[4]
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 151.
[2] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Sahihah, hadith no. 1995; Sa’d al Humaid’s critical edition of: Mukhtasar Talkhis al Mustadrak, 3/576.
[3] Imam Ahmed: Musnad Ahmed, 4/323;
[4] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Sahihah, hadith no. 2036; Sa’d al Humaid’s critical edition of: Mukhtasar Talkhis al Mustadrak, 3/575.
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لما خلق الله الخلق اختار العرب، فاختار قريشا، واختار بني هاشم من قريش، فأنا خيرة من خيرة، ألا فأحبوا قريشا، ولا تبغضوها فتهلكوا، ألا كل سبب ونسب منقطع يوم القيامة ما خلا سببي ونسبي، ألا وإن علي بن أبي طالب من نسبي، من أحبه فقد أحبني، ومن أبغضه فقد أبغضني.
When Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala created the creation, He selected the Arabs. And (from the Arabs) He selected the Quraysh. And He selected Banu Hashim from the Quraysh. For that reason, I am the best of the best. Therefore, love the Quraysh; and do not hate them, so as not to be destroyed. Every familial relationship and lineage will be severed on the Day of Judgment, except for my familial relations and my lineage. Verily, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib is from my lineage; whoever loves him, has loved me, and whoever hates him, has hated me.
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — from Muhammad ibn Yunus ibn Musa al Qurashi (al Kudaymi — Ziyad ibn Sahl al Harithi narrated to us — ‘Ammarah ibn Maymun narrated to us — ‘Amr ibn Dinar narrated to us — from Salim — from Ibn ‘Umar who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]
‘Ammarah ibn Maymun is majhul (unknown).
Ziyad ibn Sahl al Harithi could not be traced.
Al Kudaymi is da’if (weak) and suspected of lying.
Ibn al Maghazili is (also) da’if (weak).
The hadith also appears with only the beginning portion “Every familial relationship and lineage will be cut on the Day of Judgement, except for my familial relations and my lineage,” without the additional wording (at the end). Therefore, I did not deal with it. However, al Albani and Sa’d al Humaid investigated all the various chains of transmission of this version.[2]
Imam Ahmed and others narrate the hadith with the following wording, “Verily, on the Day of Judgement, all lineages will be severed except for my lineage, my familial relations, and my relatives (through marriage).”[3]
Al Albani and Sa’d al Humaid studied all the various chains of transmission of this version.[4]
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 151.
[2] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Sahihah, hadith no. 1995; Sa’d al Humaid’s critical edition of: Mukhtasar Talkhis al Mustadrak, 3/576.
[3] Imam Ahmed: Musnad Ahmed, 4/323;
[4] Al Albani: Silsilat Ahadith al Sahihah, hadith no. 2036; Sa’d al Humaid’s critical edition of: Mukhtasar Talkhis al Mustadrak, 3/575.