Hadith 211: The most beloved in-law to me, and the one that enjoys the greatest position with me, and the closest wasilah (means) to Allah, and the most successful inhabitant of Jannat is Abu Bakr…..

Hadith 210: The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam exited from the house of Zainab bint Jahsh and came to the house of Umm Salamah….
February 5, 2019
Hadith 212: If people knew when ‘Ali was named Amir al Muʾminin (Commander of the Faithful), they would not deny his virtue.
February 5, 2019

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Hadith 211

إن أحب أصهاري إلي، وأعظمهم عندي منزلة، وأقربهم من الله وسيلة، وأنجح أهل الجنة من أبي بكر. والثاني عمر يعطيه الله قصرا من لؤلؤة، ألف فرسخ في ألف فرسخ، قصورها ودورها (ونجايها) ووجهاتها، وسررها، وأكوابها، وطيرها، من هذه اللؤلؤة الواحدة، وله الرضا بعد الرضا. والثالث عثمان بن عفان وله في الجنة ما لا أقدر على وصفه، يعطيه الله تعالى ثواب عباده الملائكة، أولهم وآخرهم. والرابع علي بن أبي طالب بخ بخ، من مثل علي؟! وزيري عند (الميزان)، وأنيسي عند كربتي (…) في أمتي، وهو يؤمن على دعائي. ومن مثل أبي سفيان؟! لم يزل الدين به مؤيدا قبل أن يسلم وبعدما أسلم، ومن مثل أبي سفيان إذا أقبلت من عند ذي العرش أريد الحساب، (فأقوم) فإذا أنا بأبي سفيان معه كأس من ياقوتة حمراء يقول: اشرب يا خليلي (…) بأبي سفيان وله الرضا بعد الرضا رضي الله عنه.

The most beloved in-law to me, and the one that enjoys the greatest position with me, and the closest wasilah (means) to Allah, and the most successful inhabitant of Jannat is Abu Bakr.[1] The second is ‘Umar; Allah will give him a palace made from a pearl that spans one thousand farsakhs[2] by one thousand. Its palaces, houses, facades, and its beds all emanate from this one pearl. He will enjoy pleasure after pleasure. The third is ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan. He will enjoy in Jannat that which I am incapable of describing. Allah will give him the reward of His servants, the angels—the first and last of them. The fourth is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. Enough! Enough! Who is there the like of ‘Ali?! He is my advisor at the Mizan[3] and my bosom friend at the time of my difficulties[4] (…) regarding my Ummah. He will say amin[5] to my prayers. And who is like Abu Sufyan? The Din remained assisted before and after he embraced Islam. And who is like Abu Sufyan? When I approach the Honorable Owner of the ‘Arsh (Throne) intending my reckoning, I will stand[6]; suddenly I will be with Abu Sufyan. He will have a cup made from red… with him saying, “Drink, my close friend (…)[7] with Abu Sufyan.” He will enjoy pleasure after pleasure.


Ibn ‘Asakir narrates this hadith — from Saif ibn Muhammad — from Yahya ibn Sulaim al Taʾifi — from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Uthman ibn Khuthaym — from Ibn ‘Abbas who said, “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[8]

Ibn ‘Asakir says this hadith is munkar (unacceptable).

In fact, it is a fabrication and a lie. Saif ibn Muhammad is (Saif ibn Muhammad) al Kufi. He is a kadhdhab (liar).

Ibn ‘Iraq mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications via Ibn ‘Asakir.[9]


NEXT⇒ Hadith 212

[1] The wording is slightly different in the two versions narrated by Ibn ‘Asakir and Ibn ‘Iraq. [translator’s note]

[2]  A farsakh is a specific unit of measurement. [translator’s note]

[3] This is how it appears in Tanzih al Shari’ah. In Ibn ‘Asakir it is white (i.e. there is a blank space).

[4] It is white (i.e. there is a blank space) in Ibn ‘Asakir.

[5] This is how it appears in Tanzih al Shari’ah. In Ibn ‘Asakir the words ‘from me’ appear.

[6] This is how it appears in Tanzih al Shari’ah. In Ibn ‘Asakir it is white (i.e. blank space).

[7] It is white (i.e. there is a blank space) in Ibn ‘Asakir.

[8] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 23/464.

[9] Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/407.

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Hadith 211

إن أحب أصهاري إلي، وأعظمهم عندي منزلة، وأقربهم من الله وسيلة، وأنجح أهل الجنة من أبي بكر. والثاني عمر يعطيه الله قصرا من لؤلؤة، ألف فرسخ في ألف فرسخ، قصورها ودورها (ونجايها) ووجهاتها، وسررها، وأكوابها، وطيرها، من هذه اللؤلؤة الواحدة، وله الرضا بعد الرضا. والثالث عثمان بن عفان وله في الجنة ما لا أقدر على وصفه، يعطيه الله تعالى ثواب عباده الملائكة، أولهم وآخرهم. والرابع علي بن أبي طالب بخ بخ، من مثل علي؟! وزيري عند (الميزان)، وأنيسي عند كربتي (…) في أمتي، وهو يؤمن على دعائي. ومن مثل أبي سفيان؟! لم يزل الدين به مؤيدا قبل أن يسلم وبعدما أسلم، ومن مثل أبي سفيان إذا أقبلت من عند ذي العرش أريد الحساب، (فأقوم) فإذا أنا بأبي سفيان معه كأس من ياقوتة حمراء يقول: اشرب يا خليلي (…) بأبي سفيان وله الرضا بعد الرضا رضي الله عنه.

The most beloved in-law to me, and the one that enjoys the greatest position with me, and the closest wasilah (means) to Allah, and the most successful inhabitant of Jannat is Abu Bakr.[1] The second is ‘Umar; Allah will give him a palace made from a pearl that spans one thousand farsakhs[2] by one thousand. Its palaces, houses, facades, and its beds all emanate from this one pearl. He will enjoy pleasure after pleasure. The third is ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan. He will enjoy in Jannat that which I am incapable of describing. Allah will give him the reward of His servants, the angels—the first and last of them. The fourth is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. Enough! Enough! Who is there the like of ‘Ali?! He is my advisor at the Mizan[3] and my bosom friend at the time of my difficulties[4] (…) regarding my Ummah. He will say amin[5] to my prayers. And who is like Abu Sufyan? The Din remained assisted before and after he embraced Islam. And who is like Abu Sufyan? When I approach the Honorable Owner of the ‘Arsh (Throne) intending my reckoning, I will stand[6]; suddenly I will be with Abu Sufyan. He will have a cup made from red… with him saying, “Drink, my close friend (…)[7] with Abu Sufyan.” He will enjoy pleasure after pleasure.


Ibn ‘Asakir narrates this hadith — from Saif ibn Muhammad — from Yahya ibn Sulaim al Taʾifi — from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Uthman ibn Khuthaym — from Ibn ‘Abbas who said, “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[8]

Ibn ‘Asakir says this hadith is munkar (unacceptable).

In fact, it is a fabrication and a lie. Saif ibn Muhammad is (Saif ibn Muhammad) al Kufi. He is a kadhdhab (liar).

Ibn ‘Iraq mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications via Ibn ‘Asakir.[9]


NEXT⇒ Hadith 212

[1] The wording is slightly different in the two versions narrated by Ibn ‘Asakir and Ibn ‘Iraq. [translator’s note]

[2]  A farsakh is a specific unit of measurement. [translator’s note]

[3] This is how it appears in Tanzih al Shari’ah. In Ibn ‘Asakir it is white (i.e. there is a blank space).

[4] It is white (i.e. there is a blank space) in Ibn ‘Asakir.

[5] This is how it appears in Tanzih al Shari’ah. In Ibn ‘Asakir the words ‘from me’ appear.

[6] This is how it appears in Tanzih al Shari’ah. In Ibn ‘Asakir it is white (i.e. blank space).

[7] It is white (i.e. there is a blank space) in Ibn ‘Asakir.

[8] Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Dimashq, 23/464.

[9] Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/407.