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كنا يوما مع علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه في السوق، فرأى بطيخا، فحل درهما، ثم دفعه إلى بلال، وقال: اذهب به فاشتر به بطيخا، فمضى ومضينا معه إلى منزله، وأتى بلال بالبطيخ، فأخذ علي منه واحدة فقورها، ثم ذاقها، فإذا مرة، فقال: يا بلال خذ البطيخ فرده، وائتنا بالدرهم، وأقبل حتى أحدثك عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بحديث. فلما رجع بلال، قال: يا بلال إن حبيبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لي ويده على منكبي: يا أبا الحسن إن الله قد أخذ محبتك على البشر، والشجر، والثمر، والمدر، فمن أجاب إلى حبك عذب وطاب، وما لم يجب إلى حبك خبث ومر، وإني أظن هذا البطيخ لم يجب.
One day, we were with ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu in the marketplace. He saw a melon that cost one dirham. He handed one dirham to Bilal (to pay for the melon) and said, “Go and purchase a melon with it.” He proceeded to his house and we went with him. Bilal came with the melon. ‘Ali took it from him and cut out a piece. Then he tasted it. He found it to be bitter. He said, “O Bilal, take this melon, return it, and bring the dirham back to us. (Afterwards) come forward so that I may narrate to you a hadith from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.” When Bilal returned, he said, “O Bilal, verily my beloved, the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to me while his hand was on my shoulder, ‘O Abu al Hassan, verily Allah has enjoined your love upon man, the trees, the fruits, and the clods of earth. Whoever/whatever responds (and embraces) your love will be sweet and fresh. And whoever/whatever does not respond to your love will be repulsive and bitter.’ Verily I think this melon did not respond (and embrace) (my love).”
Ibn al Jawzi narrates this hadith — Al Mubarak ibn ‘Ali al Sayrafi narrated to us lafzan — Abu al Najm Badr ibn ‘Abdullah al Sheikhi informed us — al Qadi Abu al Hassan Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah al Baydawi informed us — Abu al Hassan Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Imran ibn Musa (famously known as Ibn al Jundi) informed us — my uncle Ibrahim ibn Ahmed narrated to me — al Fadl ibn al Hubab narrated to us — Khalid ibn Khidash informed us — Hammad ibn Salamah narrated to us — from Thabit — from Anas…[1]
Ibn al Jawzi said, “This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated). The person responsible for fabricating it is colder than ice. Only covenants that are reasonable and make sense are taken, al Jundi did not take this into consideration. Abu Bakr al Khatib said, ‘He was deemed da’if (weak) in his narrations and his was criticised for his madhdhab (i.e. for being a shia). I asked al Azhari regarding Ibn al Jundi and he said that he was laysa bi shayʾ (worthless).’”
Al Suyuti followed Ibn al Jawzi in ruling the hadith a fabrication.[2]
May Allah disgrace the liars at all times.
[1] Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 1/368.
[2] Al Suyuti: al Laʾali al Masnu’ah, 1/324.
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كنا يوما مع علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه في السوق، فرأى بطيخا، فحل درهما، ثم دفعه إلى بلال، وقال: اذهب به فاشتر به بطيخا، فمضى ومضينا معه إلى منزله، وأتى بلال بالبطيخ، فأخذ علي منه واحدة فقورها، ثم ذاقها، فإذا مرة، فقال: يا بلال خذ البطيخ فرده، وائتنا بالدرهم، وأقبل حتى أحدثك عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بحديث. فلما رجع بلال، قال: يا بلال إن حبيبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لي ويده على منكبي: يا أبا الحسن إن الله قد أخذ محبتك على البشر، والشجر، والثمر، والمدر، فمن أجاب إلى حبك عذب وطاب، وما لم يجب إلى حبك خبث ومر، وإني أظن هذا البطيخ لم يجب.
One day, we were with ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu in the marketplace. He saw a melon that cost one dirham. He handed one dirham to Bilal (to pay for the melon) and said, “Go and purchase a melon with it.” He proceeded to his house and we went with him. Bilal came with the melon. ‘Ali took it from him and cut out a piece. Then he tasted it. He found it to be bitter. He said, “O Bilal, take this melon, return it, and bring the dirham back to us. (Afterwards) come forward so that I may narrate to you a hadith from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.” When Bilal returned, he said, “O Bilal, verily my beloved, the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to me while his hand was on my shoulder, ‘O Abu al Hassan, verily Allah has enjoined your love upon man, the trees, the fruits, and the clods of earth. Whoever/whatever responds (and embraces) your love will be sweet and fresh. And whoever/whatever does not respond to your love will be repulsive and bitter.’ Verily I think this melon did not respond (and embrace) (my love).”
Ibn al Jawzi narrates this hadith — Al Mubarak ibn ‘Ali al Sayrafi narrated to us lafzan — Abu al Najm Badr ibn ‘Abdullah al Sheikhi informed us — al Qadi Abu al Hassan Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah al Baydawi informed us — Abu al Hassan Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Imran ibn Musa (famously known as Ibn al Jundi) informed us — my uncle Ibrahim ibn Ahmed narrated to me — al Fadl ibn al Hubab narrated to us — Khalid ibn Khidash informed us — Hammad ibn Salamah narrated to us — from Thabit — from Anas…[1]
Ibn al Jawzi said, “This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated). The person responsible for fabricating it is colder than ice. Only covenants that are reasonable and make sense are taken, al Jundi did not take this into consideration. Abu Bakr al Khatib said, ‘He was deemed da’if (weak) in his narrations and his was criticised for his madhdhab (i.e. for being a shia). I asked al Azhari regarding Ibn al Jundi and he said that he was laysa bi shayʾ (worthless).’”
Al Suyuti followed Ibn al Jawzi in ruling the hadith a fabrication.[2]
May Allah disgrace the liars at all times.
[1] Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 1/368.
[2] Al Suyuti: al Laʾali al Masnu’ah, 1/324.