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اللهم إني أسألك غناي، وغنى مولاي بعدي، يعني ابن عمه.
O Allah, I ask You for (the quality of) self-sufficiency and (the quality of) self- sufficiency for my mawla after me (i.e. his cousin).
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Abu al Hassan Ahmed ibn al Muzaffar al ‘Attar informed us — Abu Muhammad ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman (ibn al Saqqaʾ al Hafiz) informed us — Abu Khalifah al Fadl ibn al Hubab al Jumahi Musaddad informed us — Yahya al Qattan narrated to us — from Yahya ibn Sa’id al Ansari — from Muhammad ibn Yahya — from his uncle who said: ‘Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say…’”[1]
This hadith is munkar (unacceptable).
Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
Abu al Hassan Ahmed ibn al Muzaffar al ‘Attar’s biography is mentioned by al Dhahabi.[2] However, he mentions nothing (positive or negative) regarding his status as a narrator.
The chain of transmission also contains the narrator Abu Khalifah al Fadl ibn al Hubab al Jumahi Musaddad. The correct version might rather be: “Abu Khalifah al Fadl ibn al Habbab al Jumahi said: ‘Musaddad narrated to us…’” In other words, Musaddad is not part of his name; it is the narrator from who Abu Khalifah is transmitting from. If this is not the case, then the chain of transmission is munqati’ (broken).
In short, the hadith is da’if (weak) and its matn (text) is munnkar (unacceptable).
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 286.
[2] Al Dhahabi: Tarikh al Islam, 30/41.
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اللهم إني أسألك غناي، وغنى مولاي بعدي، يعني ابن عمه.
O Allah, I ask You for (the quality of) self-sufficiency and (the quality of) self- sufficiency for my mawla after me (i.e. his cousin).
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Abu al Hassan Ahmed ibn al Muzaffar al ‘Attar informed us — Abu Muhammad ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman (ibn al Saqqaʾ al Hafiz) informed us — Abu Khalifah al Fadl ibn al Hubab al Jumahi Musaddad informed us — Yahya al Qattan narrated to us — from Yahya ibn Sa’id al Ansari — from Muhammad ibn Yahya — from his uncle who said: ‘Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say…’”[1]
This hadith is munkar (unacceptable).
Ibn al Maghazili is da’if (weak).
Abu al Hassan Ahmed ibn al Muzaffar al ‘Attar’s biography is mentioned by al Dhahabi.[2] However, he mentions nothing (positive or negative) regarding his status as a narrator.
The chain of transmission also contains the narrator Abu Khalifah al Fadl ibn al Hubab al Jumahi Musaddad. The correct version might rather be: “Abu Khalifah al Fadl ibn al Habbab al Jumahi said: ‘Musaddad narrated to us…’” In other words, Musaddad is not part of his name; it is the narrator from who Abu Khalifah is transmitting from. If this is not the case, then the chain of transmission is munqati’ (broken).
In short, the hadith is da’if (weak) and its matn (text) is munnkar (unacceptable).
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 286.
[2] Al Dhahabi: Tarikh al Islam, 30/41.