Exploratory Review Of Commonly Cited Ahadith By The Shia
By: ‘Abdur Rahman Muhammad Sa’id Dimashqiyyah
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The Imams after me will be Twelve; the same number as the chiefs of the Bani Isra’il
Inquire about your faith, until they say, “(You are) insane.”
Abu Bakr and ‘Umar are the best of the inhabitants of the Earth and Heavens
‘Abdul Rahman ibn Ziyad al Afriqi
‘Umarah ibn Ghurab al Yahsubi
Inform me when you reach (the verse), “Maintain with care the [obligatory] prayers…”
If you see Muawiyah on my pulpit, then kill him.
Hadith regarding Allah’s descent between the adhan and iqamah on the Day of Jumu’ah—adorning a cloak
When a brother of yours passes away, scatter dry soil over him.
When anyone of you passes away, do not detain him but take him with haste to his grave
The angel of death was sent to Musa and Musa slapped him
Suckle him and you will become his mahram
Muhassin the son of Sayyidina ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and Sayyidah Fatimah
My name is in the Qur’an By the sun and its brightness
My companions are like the stars, whichever of them you follow you will be guided
The most knowledgeable of my ummah after me is ‘Ali
Kill Na’thal for he has committed kufr
Judge between me and this sinful, treacherous, deceitful, liar
Terminate your bay’ah with me for I have a Shaitan who seizes me
The sheep ate a page from the mushaf
Are you not happy, O ‘Ali, when Allah will gather the people on one plain
Hold firmly to our love, the Ahlul Bayt
Did Allah not forbid you from praying over the hypocrites
Are you not pleased to be the fourth of four
Muawiyah asked Sa’d: What prevents you from abusing Abu Turab
My Lord commanded me to close all the doors except the door of ‘Ali
Indeed, Abu Bakr intended to propose to Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam for Fatimah
Abu Musa al Ash’ari would pass verdict of the validity of Mut’ah
Ahmed authenticated the hadith of ‘Ali being the partner of Hell
Hassan al ‘Askari was asked if he had any children and he replied in the affirmative
Indeed Allah commanded me to marry Fatimah to ‘Ali
Allah commanded me that no one will convey from me except myself and ‘Ali
Allah placed the progeny of every nabi in his loins and He placed my progeny in the loins of ‘Ali
When Allah completed creating, he lied down on His back and places one of His legs on the other
Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam urinated while standing
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would visit all of his wives with one ghusl
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam spoke to a donkey and said to it, “I have named you Ya’fur.”
The first four that will enter Jannat (Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam told ‘Ali)
Two young girls were singing what the Ansar composed on the Day of Bu’ath
Jibril loves you (referring to ‘Ali) and who is better than Jibril
Khalid ibn al Walid executed Malik ibn al Nuwayrah and yearned for his wife
Sulaiman said: I will most certainly have relations with 100 women tonight, all bearing a knight
‘Aisha showed her freed slave Salim how Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would perform wudu’
‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud would scratch out al Mu’awwadhatayn from the mushaf
‘Umar commanded six men to form the shura (committee) [al shura al sudasiyyah]
‘Umar was defeated in one of the battles; he would call them cowards and vice versa
‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz gathered the sons of Marwan when he was appointed as khalifah
‘Umar would place his hand on the camel’s duburah (rear)
‘Umar would drink al nabidh and al muskir (intoxicants) even prior to his demise
‘Umar was unaware of the ruling of tayammum
‘Amr ibn al Humq stabbed ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan six times
Fatimah bint al Asad gave birth to ‘Ali in the Ka’bah
Fatimah would visit her uncle Hamzah’s grave, pray and cry at his graveside
A monkey committed adultery so they stoned it
His Kursi extends over the heavens and earth and He sits on it
Indeed, Allah has armies of honey
Muawiyah instructed to verbally abuse ‘Ali
Muawiyah ordered the killing of Hujr ibn ‘Adi
Muawiyah would wear silk and leopard skins would be spread as carpets in his house
Some of you will fight over the Qur’an’s interpretation just as you fought upon its revelation
Musa asked His Rabb to purify his Masjid with Harun
Indeed this is my brother, my wasi, and my khalifah after me so listen to him and obey him
This man is the first to believe in me, he is al Siddiq al Akbar and the Faruq of this ummah
My wasi and confidant is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
A Jew from the Banu Zurayq practiced black magic on Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
I will be fought over the revelation of Qur’an and ‘Ali will be fought over its interpretation
I am a warner and ‘Ali is the guide; through you O ‘Ali will the guided be guided
I am the house of wisdom and ‘Ali is the door to it
I am the leader of the sons of Adam and ‘Ali is the leader of the Arabs
I am a tree; Fatimah is the roots; ‘Ali is the trunk; and Hassan and Hussain are the fruits
I am the partner of Hell on the Day of Qiyamah. I will say: Take this one and leave this one
We never wanted this, we never wanted this
I am the city of wisdom and ‘Ali is its door
You are my brother in the world and the Hereafter
You think that you are a nabi (Sayyidah Aisha addressing Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
You are the guide, O ‘Ali. Through you will the guided find guidance after me
You are the first to believe in me and will be the first to shake my hand on the Day of Qiyamah
You are like the Ka’bah; you are approached and you do not approach
You will clarify for my ummah what they differ in after me
You are to me in the position of Harun to Musa except that there is no nabi after me
You are my helper in the world and the Hereafter
You and your partisans will be in Jannat
You, O Ali, and your partisans (They are the best of creation)
Waiting for an opening is worship
Come down from my father’s pulpit and go to your father’s pulpit
The verse of Mut’ah was revealed in the Book of Allah (Statement by ‘Imran ibn Hussain)
Give the family of Muhammad the position of the head in the body
Mention to us the lineage of your Rabb. Upon this Qul huwa Allahu ahad was revealed
Certainly, you will be the first from whose head sand will be wiped on the Day of Qiyamah.
Undoubtedly, you will soon see your Rabb clearly
The bay’ah of Abu Bakr was very sudden; Allah protected the Muslims from its evil
Allah only intends to remove impurity from you, O household … O Allah! My family is more deserving
I am leaving two weighty things with you viz. the Book of Allah and ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
Allah revealed to ‘Isa: Believe in Muhammad. Had it not been for him, I would not have created Adam
The first thing Allah created was the light of your Nabi, O Jabir!
The first person to declare Mut’ah haram was ‘Umar
The first to enter Jannat from the Prophets and Truthful will be ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
O daughter, bring me the ahadith that are in your possession. … He asked for fire and burnt them
Which of you will assist me in this matter and be my brother, wasi, and khalifah
Exoneration from Hell lies in love for ‘Ali
The Banu Umayyah are the accursed tree
While I was standing at the Pond a group (appeared) whom I recognised
While Ayub was taking a ghusl without clothes, gold locusts fell onto him
Pulpits will be placed around the ‘Arsh on the Day of Qiyamah
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam passed away while leaning on the chest of ‘Ali
‘Ali began washing the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
Love and appreciation for Abu Bakr is compulsory upon my ummah
Hassan and Hussain and Imams, whether they stand up or sit down
Hussain is from me and I am from him
The truth after me is with ‘Umar wherever he goes
‘Umar proposed to ‘Ali for his daughter Umm Kulthum… He uncovered her shin and kissed it
I left you behind to be my successor over my family. He asked: will I assume succession after you
Allah created ‘Ali in the form of ten Prophets
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam entered my presence while there was a mukhannath by me
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam called Fatimah and gave her Fadak
That is the best human (reported from Jabir)
Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam his Rabb as if his legs were on a meadow
I saw my Rabb at ‘Arafat on a red camel wearing a lower garment
I saw my Rabb at Mina on a grey camel wearing a jubbah
I saw my Rabb as a young beardless lad with curly hair wearing a green garment
I saw in the era of ignorance a female monkey who had committed adultery being stoned
I saw inscribed on the leg of the ‘Arsh: I supported him and assisted him with ‘Ali
May Allah have mercy on ‘Ali. O Allah! Let the truth follow him wherever he goes
Beautify your gathering with ‘Ali’s mention
I asked Allah for 5 things for you. He gave me four and deprived me of one
The sibaq of the ummahs are three
Close all the doors except ‘Ali’s door
Ask ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib about it since he is more knowledgeable than me.
In the twelfth century, a man will emerge from the valley of Banu Hanifah in the form of an ox
There will be fitnah after me. When this transpires, then cling firmly to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
The drinker of wine is like the idol worshipper
I performed Salah with the nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam before anyone performed salah with him
‘Ali’s strike on the Day of the Trench is superior to the worship of mankind and jinnkind
Glad tidings to you O bird! You eat fruit and perch on the tree
The ‘Ulama’ of my ummah are superior to the Prophets of Bani Isra’il
Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught me 1000 doors; each door opens another 1000 doors
‘Ali is my brother in the world and the Hereafter
‘Ali is my root and Jafar is my branch
‘Ali is the Imam of the noble, the killer of the wicked, and one who he helps is assisted
‘Ali is the door of forgiveness, whoever enters it is safe
‘Ali is the door to my knowledge and will elucidate to my ummah what I have been sent with
‘Ali ibn Abi Talib will shine in Jannat like the stars at morning
Love for ‘Ali is a good deed which no evil deed will harm
‘Ali is the best human; whoever rejects has committed kufr
‘Ali: his scale and mines are equal in justice
‘Ali holds that position to me like my head in my body
‘Umar ibn al Khattab will be the lamp of the inhabitants of Jannat
The title of the believer’s book (of deeds) will read: Love for ‘Ali
Fatimah is a part of me; whoever angers her has definitely angered me
She threw down her staff and her seeds became rooted just as the wayfarer finds joy at the oasis
Fabricated virtues of Abu Bakr
Neither did ‘Ali nor any of the Banu Hashim swear allegiance to him until Fatimah passed away
When his Lord appeared to the mountain, he indicated by showing the tip of his baby finger
Among my companions are twelve hypocrites
There is a level in Jannat called al Wasilah
In whoever’s house this star falls, he will be my khalifah after me
The Qur’an comprises of 1 027 000 letters
The Qur’an has an external and internal
Wisdom was divided. Nine parts of it was placed in ‘Ali and one part in the rest of mankind
Say: O Allah I beseech you with the right of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad
The Banu Isra’il would bath naked, seeing one another’s private parts
‘Umar would seek protection from a dilemma which Abu al Hassan is not present to solve
Withhold from criticising ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
My scale and ‘Ali’s scale are equal in justice.
Everyone is more understanding than ‘Umar
Be with ‘Ali for by Allah, he did not stray
May Allah not fill his stomach
The one who does not observe Taqiyyah has no faith
Do not revile ‘Ali because he is felt in the Being of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala
Do not favour between the Prophets
Do not give me preference over Yunus ibn Matta
There is no sword besides Dhu al Fiqar and there is no youngster except ‘Ali
There is no Mahdi besides ‘Isa ibn Maryam
None but a believer loves you and none but a hypocrites hates you
This din will remain stable until 12 Imams govern, all from the Quraysh
None recognises you, O ‘Ali, besides Allah and I
May Allah curse the one who lags behind the army of Usamah
Every nabi has a wasi and heir and ‘Ali is my wasi
When the verse: And warn, [O Muhammad], your closest kindred was revealed
‘Ali’s duel with ‘Amr ibn ‘Abd Wudd on the Day of the Trench is superior to the actions of my ummah
Allah who gives life and death … forgive my mother Fatimah bint Asad and inspire her with her proof
O Allah, afflict them both in a fitnah and leave them for Hell
O Allah, I submit as my brother Musa submitted
O Allah, curse them for they have discarded the Sunnah out of hatred for ‘Ali
O Allah, I seek Your Proximity through the wilayah of ‘Ali
O Allah, I beseech You through the right of Musa and the right of ‘Isa
O Allah, keep his tongue steadfast and guide his heart
O Allah, do not take my life until You show me ‘Ali
O Allah these are my Ahlul Bayt and favourites
Had there been a nabi after me, it would be ‘Umar ibn al Khattab
Had I not been sent to you, ‘Umar would have been sent
Had Allah not created ‘Ali, Fatimah would have had no match
Had it not been for ‘Ali, ‘Umar would be destroyed
Let the sons of Wali’ah stop or I will certainly send to them a man like myself
Allah did not reveal: O you who believer save that ‘Ali was their amir (leader) and sharif (chief)
Between the Rukn, the Maqam, and Zam Zam, there are the graves of 99 Prophets
Allah did not pour anything into my chest except that I poured it into ‘Ali’s chest
The sun has not risen on a man superior to ‘Umar
The sun has not risen nor set on anyone after the Prophets and Messengers better than Abu Bakr
We only recognised the hypocrites by their belying Allah and His Messenger and hatred for ‘Ali
No one passes by the grave of a person and greets him except that Allah returns his soul
What is this estrangement O Bilal
What makes you weep O ‘Ali? Indeed Madinah will not find stability except through me or you
The likeness of my Ahlul Bayt among you is like the door of forgiveness
The likeness of my Ahlul Bayt is like Nuh’s ark
Welcome to the leader of the Muslims and the Imam of the muttaqin
Recognition of the family of Muhammad is exemption from Hell
It is inscribed on the door of Jannat
Whoever desires to live my life and die my death
Whoever loves these two and their father will be with me on my level in Jannat
Whoever wants to see Adam in his knowledge … should look at ‘Ali
Whoever obeys ‘Ali has obeyed me and whoever disobeys ‘Ali has disobeyed me
Whoever brings faith in me and believes me should befriend ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
Whoever passes the night and is not concerned with the affairs of the Muslims is not from them
Whoever visits me and visits my father Ibrahim … I guarantee him Jannat
Whoever desires to cross the Sirat like wind should befriend my wali and wasi ‘Ali
Whoever desires to live my life, die my death
Whoever performs salah without sending salutations on me or my Ahlul Bayt, his salah is not accepted
Whoever claims that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is superior to Yunus ibn Matta has lied
Whoever does not proclaim ‘Ali as the best of people has committed kufr
Whoever dies without an imam dies the death of ignorance
Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies a martyr
Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew if Allah wishes
Whoever dies and does not recognise the imam of his era
Whoever dies without a bay’ah around his neck dies a death of ignorance
The stars are guards for the inhabitants of the sky and my Ahlul Bayt are guards for my ummah
The Prophet frowned and turned away was revealed concerning ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan
300 verses were revealed concerning ‘Ali
The verse: And of the people is he who sells himself was revealed in favour of ‘Ali
This verse: O Messenger, announce was revealed on the Day of Ghadir Khum
Looking at the face of ‘Ali is worship
What a beautiful bid’ah this is! (‘Umar’s statement)
These, I witness against them … but I do not know what they will invent after me
This is the first to believe in me
This is the greatest of the former and latter beings from the inhabitants of the skies and earth
This is ‘Ali who has approached in al sahab
Fitnah is there (thrice) where the horn of shaitan rises
Congratulations to you O ‘Ali! You have become my mawla and the mawla of every believer
By Allah I acknowledge that ‘Ali is more beloved to you than my father and me
Your wasi is the leader of the Awsiya’: ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
You wrote asking me who the khums is for
And sufficient was Allah for the believers in battle with ‘Ali
Do not send imperfect salutations upon me
O Abu Bakr, Allah granted me the reward of whoever believed … and Allah granted you the reward
Abu Rafi’! After me, there will be a people who will fight ‘Ali. Fighting them is a haqq of Allah
O Umm Salamah, ‘Ali’s flesh is from my flesh
O Anas! The one to enter your presence through this door is the leader of the believers
O people, I wished that this man could have sufficed me in it, and not me
O ‘Aisha, leave my brother for he is the first to embrace Islam
O enemy of Allah and enemy of His Book, you stole Allah’s wealth? (‘Umar told Abu Hurairah)
O ‘Ali, be glad for you, your companions, and your Shia (party) will be in Jannat
O ‘Ali. Come close to me. Put your five fingers into my five O ‘Ali
O ‘Ali, people are from various trees
O ‘Ali, certainly Allah commanded me to warn
O ‘Ali, you are the first believer to embrace Islam
O ‘Ali, you have seven characteristics
O ‘Ali, if my ummah hates you, Allah will throw them on their noses into Hell
O ‘Ammar, when you see ‘Ali treading a valley, then tread with ‘Ali
Biographies of Rafidi narrators claimed to be from the Ahlus Sunnah
When I wrote the masahif, I presented them to ‘Uthman
The translation of the book is still ongoing, In Sha Allah, the book will be updated as soon as new content becomes available, the pdf. file too will be updated accordingly.