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All praise belongs to Allah, in the beginning and at the end, internal and external, for His great favour of bringing this discussion to completion after living with a group of the best of ages, and the choicest of creation after the Ambiya’ and Messengers―may Allah’s salutations and peace be upon them.
This treatise has encompassed a number of Sahabah regarding whom Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam has emphatically declared that they are the dwellers of Jannat, besides of course the ten whom he guaranteed Jannat in one gathering, and in one narration. After investigation and exploration, the number of such Sahabah besides the ten reached 48. But after weighing these ahadith on the scale of hadith scrutiny, it became manifest to the author that the sahih narrations establish this great merit for only 28 Sahabah, leaving 20 for whom the narrations do not reach the standard of sahih. Accordingly, the treatise only encompassed the first group, but there was indication in the introduction to the names of the others. Furthermore, sometimes the sahih narrations about one Sahabi reach over ten, but the author sufficed on documenting one of these.
Moreover, there were few masa’il which were necessary to pen down which have connection to this discussion, like the mas’alah of superiority between the Sahabah, the ruling regarding Jannat for the one the ummah has duly praised, and the verdict of martyrdom for those Muslims who have been slain on the battlefield.
We beseech Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to unite us with them in the gardens of bliss and to grant me, my parents, my teachers, my family, and the Muslims at large a beautiful death. I beg Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala for the capability to carry out good deeds, to remain steadfast on the right path, and to be guided and inspired. May Allah send His choicest salutations and peace upon our beloved Nabi Muhammad, his family, and his noble Companions. And all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the universe.
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All praise belongs to Allah, in the beginning and at the end, internal and external, for His great favour of bringing this discussion to completion after living with a group of the best of ages, and the choicest of creation after the Ambiya’ and Messengers―may Allah’s salutations and peace be upon them.
This treatise has encompassed a number of Sahabah regarding whom Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam has emphatically declared that they are the dwellers of Jannat, besides of course the ten whom he guaranteed Jannat in one gathering, and in one narration. After investigation and exploration, the number of such Sahabah besides the ten reached 48. But after weighing these ahadith on the scale of hadith scrutiny, it became manifest to the author that the sahih narrations establish this great merit for only 28 Sahabah, leaving 20 for whom the narrations do not reach the standard of sahih. Accordingly, the treatise only encompassed the first group, but there was indication in the introduction to the names of the others. Furthermore, sometimes the sahih narrations about one Sahabi reach over ten, but the author sufficed on documenting one of these.
Moreover, there were few masa’il which were necessary to pen down which have connection to this discussion, like the mas’alah of superiority between the Sahabah, the ruling regarding Jannat for the one the ummah has duly praised, and the verdict of martyrdom for those Muslims who have been slain on the battlefield.
We beseech Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to unite us with them in the gardens of bliss and to grant me, my parents, my teachers, my family, and the Muslims at large a beautiful death. I beg Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala for the capability to carry out good deeds, to remain steadfast on the right path, and to be guided and inspired. May Allah send His choicest salutations and peace upon our beloved Nabi Muhammad, his family, and his noble Companions. And all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the universe.