Allah says: “If two parties among the Believers fall into a quarrel, make peace between them…The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers: And fear Allah that you may receive Mercy.” (Surah Hujurat: 9- 10)
Allah Ta’ala did not say that either or both groups are disbelievers, even in a case where fighting occurs between them. The most deserving of people to be included in the meaning of this verse are the leaders of the believers, the noble Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them). The words of Allah Ta’ala “The Believers are but a single Brotherhood” affirmed the brotherhood of faith among all the Muslims who are engaged in fighting each other. Hence it becomes clear to us that the fighters at the Battle of the Camel were believers on both sides. These historical events should not be used as a pretext for undermining the position of the Sahabah, trying to deny that they were believers, or spreading distorted and fabricated stories about them. To refute these false notions concerning them, it is sufficient to note that this verse confirms that they were brothers in faith. We will discuss what happened between them in more detail below.
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Events that preceded the Battle of the Camel
Impact of the Saba’iyyah in causing turmoil
The reality of `Abd Allah Ibn Saba’
The role of `Abd Allah ibn Saba’ in stirring up fitnah
Zubair, Talhah and Aisha and their supporters set out to Basrah to set things straight
Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali ibn Abi Talib sets out for Kufah
Advice of `Abd Allah ibn Salam to Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali
Advice of Hasan ibn `Ali to his father
Request of Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali from the oasis of Dhu Qar for support from the people of Kufah.
Difference of opinion should not affect the love between people
Questions on the road
The discussion between al-Qa`qa` and Talhah and Zubair
The solution according to al-Qa`qa`
Good signs of a deal between the two parties
The role of the Saba’iyyah in the outbreak of fighting
The first round of the Battle of the Camel
The second round of the Battle of the Camel
The number of people killed
Is it true that Marwan ibn al-Hakam killed Talhah ibn `Ubaidullah?
The call of Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali after the battle
Checking on the slain and praying for mercy for them
The allegiance of the people of Basrah
The hadith of Abu Bakrah from the Rasul of Allah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam: “If two Muslims face one another with swords, then slayer and the slain will be in hell.”
The date of the Battle of the Camel
Should we not leave them alone when they are Muslim women?
Abu Bakrah al-Thaqafi’s request to not be appointed as governor of Basrah
The attitude of Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali towards those who reviled Aisha
`Ammar ibn Yasir’s defence of the Mother of the Believers Aisha
Aisha the Mother of the Believers and Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali ibn Abi Talib
Did Aisha, the Mother of the Believers, regard it as permissible to fight the Muslims at the Battle of the Camel?
Can this hadith be true: “You will fight `Ali and you will be in the wrong”?
Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali wanted to send Aisha back home honoured and respected
Their regret for what they had done
The life and martyrdom of Zubair ibn al-`Awwam
The first one to unsheathe his sword for the sake of Allah
His migration to Abyssinia
At the Battle of Badr
At the battle of Uhud
During the Battle of the Trench: “Each Rasul has a disciple, and my disciple is Zubair.”
At the Battle of Yarmuk
The conquest of Egypt
The protective jealousy of Zubair ibn al-`Awwam
Zubair named his sons after martyred Sahabah
Zubair concealing acts of worship
Poetry of Hassan ibn Thabit in praise of Zubair
Generosity of Zubair ibn al-`Awwam
The time has come to depart and the Rasul’s testimony of entering paradise
Zubair’s eagerness that his debts should be paid off when he died
Biography and martyrdom of Talhah ibn `Ubaidullah
His conversion to Islam, persecution and migration
At the Battle of Badr
At the Battle of Uhud
A martyr walking on the face of the earth
Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah
Talhah’s defence of his brothers and his thinking positively of them
Spending for the sake of Allah
Unique and beautiful sayings of Talhah
Martyrdom of Talhah ibn `Ubaidullah
Allah preserved his body after he died
Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas prayed against those who impugned `Uthman `Ali, Talhah and Zubair