Baseless Fabrications against Sayyidah ‘Aisha Introduction

The harmonious relationship between Umm al Mu’minin Aisha and the Ahlul Bayt in the books of the Shia
September 8, 2017
Accusations against Sayyidah Aisha with regards to Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
September 8, 2017

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Baseless Fabrications against Sayyidah ‘Aisha



A group of unscrupulous individuals have committed themselves to fabricating terrible accusations against the Sahabah of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. These unsavoury characters have contaminated the books of history with lies and forgeries. Thus, the picture of that beautiful era has been disfigured by the writings of the sinful hands of these liars and the fabrications they forged.

These fabricators reared their heads in the era of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum and spread false reports throughout the land until it finaly led to civil strife. Those who cast accusations against the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam rely on this vile and horrid Saba’i legacy which the impostors and fabricators have left behind.

Sheikh al ‘Allamah Muhibb al Din al Khatib has mentioned:


O Muslims of this era and every era! Indeed, the criminal hands which have forged false reports on the tongues of ‘Aisha, ‘Ali, Talhah, and Zubair radiya Llahu ‘anhum are the same hands responsible for all this turmoil. They have engineered every fitnah from the first to the last. It is these same criminals who forged the message which was presumed to be that of Amir al Mu’minin ‘Uthman to his governor in Egypt at such a time that it is known that he had no governor in Egypt to begin with. This letter was forged in the name of ‘Uthman with the same pen which forged other messages in the name of ‘Ali. All of this with the sole purpose so that the rebels can return back to Madinah after they had been satisfied with the correctness of their Khalifah’s stance. And whatever has been circulated about him are all lies. He would act in every matter according to what he felt was true and sound. It was not only the son-in-law of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam—the one who was given glad tidings of martyrdom and Jannat—who was the victim of this wicked Saba’i conspiracy. In fact, Islam itself was the victim prior to this. The eras of Islam which were pure and unsullied have been adulterated and obscured by this wicked Jew and those who are obedient to him by the reigns of desires and passions.[1]


The reader of history needs to be cognisant of these realities in order for the innocence of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum to become apparent to him, and he may become aware of the lies which the Saba’iyyah and their grandchildren have inserted. Their only objective is to distort the face of that noble and pure era. Nonetheless, Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has appointed soldiers who will expose these fabrications and lies, and uncover the pure truth so that the pristine din of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and the honour of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum may be preserved. They are the ones who have shouldered His din, made His word reign supreme, and assisted His creed. Ibn al Mubarak[2] rahimahu Llah was asked:


هذه الأحاديث المصنوعة قال يعيش لها الجهابذة

“All these fabricated ahadith?”

He replied, “Great scholars will live for it (its eradication).”[3]


It is common knowledge that the Rawafid are the worst liars among the groups which have been linked to Islam. In fact, their creed rests upon falsehood. The most detestable people in their eyes are the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum. Imam al Shafi’i has declared:


لم أر أحدا أشهد بالزور من الرافضة

I have not seen anyone more deceitful than the Rawafid.[4]


Yazid ibn Harun[5] has stated:

يكتب عن كل صاحب بدعة إذا لم يكن داعية إلا الرافضة فإنهم يكذبون

Hadith of every innovator could be recorded on condition that he does not invite [towards it] except the Rawafid for indeed they are liars.[6]


Muhammad ibn Sa’id al Asbahani[7] narrates that he heard Sharik advise:


احمل العلم عن كل من لقيت إلا الرافضة فإنهم يضعون الحديث و يتخذونه دينا

Learn knowledge from everyone you meet besides the Rawafid for certainly they fabricate hadith and adopt it as their din.[8]


Ibn Taymiyyah has mentioned:


و قد اتفق أهل العلم بالنقل و الرواية و الإسناد على أن الرافضة أكذب الطوائف و الكذب فيهم قديم و لهذا كان أئمة الإسلام يعلمون امتيازهم بكثرة الكذب

The experts of narration, traditions, and isnad have unanimously agreed that the Rawafid are the worst liars among all the deviant sects. Falsehood has been their icon from their very inception. It is for this reason that the scholars of Islam would recognise their distinction to be abundance of lies.[9]


The statements of the ‘Ulama’ concerning the lies of the Rawafid are well known having no need to express, and they are so profuse that citing all of them in this brief treatise would be near impossible.

In the following pages, some of the accusations which the Rawafid have levelled against Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha will be mentioned so as to exonerate her from the slanders of the liars and to establish the truth. It is apt for us to cite at this juncture the statement of Hafiz al Jalal al Suyuti rahimahu Llah, which he mentions in the beginning of his book Miftah al Jannat after quoting the statement of some extremist Shia:


و هذه آراء ما كنت أستحل حكايتها لولا ما دعت إليه الضرورة من بيان أصل هذا المذهب الفاسد الذي كان الناس في راحة منه من أعصار

These are such views the quoting of which I do not regard as permissible except in cases of necessity purely to expose this corrupt creed which people have been relieved from for ages.[10]


Due to their extreme hatred for Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha, you will find severe disparagement against her and rejection of her virtues in their books. In fact, at times some of the fundamentals and that which has been proven categorically and by Tawatur regarding her have been denied. An example of this is the claim of Murtada al ‘Askari[11]—one of their contemporary scholars—that she was one of the slave-girls of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.[12] It is not far-fetched from the one who reaches this level of rejection to exaggerate in abusing and insulting her, and denying her every virtue. It is not at all improbable for him to narrate a blatant lie and false report from Sayyidina Ibn ‘Abbas radiya Llahu ‘anhuma that he addressed her saying:


و ما أنت إلا حشية من تسع حشايات خلفهن بعده لست بأبيضهن لونا و لا بأحسنهن وجها و لا بأرشحهن عرقا و لا بأنضرهن ورقا و لا بأطرئهن أصلا إلخ

You are nothing but a mattress from the nine mattresses he left behind after his demise. You are neither the fairest of them, nor the prettiest, nor the most qualified, nor the most beautiful, nor the purest in lineage.[13]


Such a blasphemous statement can only be uttered by one whose heart is filled with hatred, malice, and jealousy. For such a person lying, fabricating, and attributing falsehood to her is considred permissible just to indict her. And Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has protected her from their slanders and allegations.

Al Ajurri rahimahu Llah has mentioned:


روي أنه قيل لعائشة إن رجلا قال إنك لست له بأم فقالت صدق أنا أم المؤمنين و لست بأم المنافقين

It is reported that Sayyidah Aisha was informed, “A man has claimed that you are not his mother.”

“He has spoken the truth,” she replied, “I am the mother of the believers, not the mother of the hypocrites!”


It has reached me that one of the early Fuqaha’ was asked regarding two men who took oaths of talaq. One swore that Aisha was his mother while the other swore that she was not to which he commented, “Both of them have not broken their oath.” He was asked the reason behind this since most definitely one of them has broken his oath. He explained,


إن الذي حلف أنها أمه هو مؤمن لم يحنث و الذي حلف أنها ليست أمه هو منافق لم يحنث

The one who swore she was his mother is a believer who has not broken his promise while the one who swore that she was not his mother is a hypocrite who has not broken his oath.


Muhammad ibn al Hussain rahimahu Llah has stated:


فنعوذ بالله ممن يشنأ عائشة حبيبة رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم الطيبة المبرأة الصديقة ابنة الصديق أم المؤمنين رضي الله عنها و عن أبيها خليفة رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم

We seek Allah’s subhanahu wa ta ‘ala protection from the one who harbours hatred for Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha—the beloved of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the pure and exonerated, al Siddiqah bint al Siddiq, Mother of the Believers radiya Llahu ‘anha—and her father, the khalifah of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.[14]


Probably one of the main reasons behind the Rawafid’s slanders against her is that she memorised an abundance of the Sunnah of Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam coupled with the long life Allah gifted her after Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam demise. She lived for nearly 50 years after him, hence people benefitted from her ocean of knowledge and learnt extensively from her.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahu Llah says:


قد حفظت عنه شيئا كثيرا و عاشت بعده قريبا من خمسين سنة فأكثر الناس الأخذ عنها و نقلوا عنها من الأحكام و الآداب شيئا كثيرا حتى قيل إن ربع الأحكام الشرعية منقول عنها رضي الله عنها

She remembered a considerable amount from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and lived after his demise for almost 50 years. Therefore, people learnt from her and related an abundance of laws and sunan from her to the extent that it is said that a quarter of the laws of Shari’ah have been reported from her. May Allah be pleased with her.[15]


NEXT⇒ Accusations against Sayyidah Aisha with regards to Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam

[1] His commentary on al ‘Awaasim min al Qawasim pg. 108.

[2] ‘Abdullah ibn al Mubarak ibn Wadih, Abu ‘Abd al Rahman al Mirwazi. He was an Imam, Sheikh al Islam, a hafiz, and a mujahid. He was born in 118 A.H. One of the most renowned scholars of his time. He spent lengthy periods on journey in search of knowledge and in Jihad. Among his books is al Zuhd and al Musnad. He passed away in 181 A.H. (Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ vol. 8 pg. 378, Tahdhib al Tahdhib vol. 3 pg. 247)

[3] Al Jarh wa al Ta’dil of Ibn Abi Hatim vol. 1 pg. 3

[4] Sharh Usul I’tiqad Ahlus Sunnah wa al Jama’ah of al Lalaka’i vol. 8 pg. 1544, al Sunan al Kubra of al Bayhaqi vol. 10 pg. 352

[5] Yazid ibn Harun ibn Zadhi; and it is said: Ibn Zadhan, Abu Khalid al Wasiti. The Imam, leader, Sheikh al Islam, and hafiz. Born in 118 A.H, he was an authority in knowledge and practice. He had a lofty status and was a devout worshipper. He is among those who enforced the truth and forbade evil. He passed away in 206 A.H. (Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ vol. 9 pg. 358, Tahdhib al Tahdhib vol. 6 pg. 230)

[6] Minhaj al Sunnah al Nabawiyyah of Ibn Taymiyyah vol. 1 pg. 60

[7] Muhammad ibn Sa’id, Abu Jafar. He is called Hamdan al Asbahani al Kufi. He is among the teachers of al Bukhari. He was a hafiz who would narrate from his memory. He would not accept al talqin (dictation) and would neither read from the books of people. He passed away in 220 A.H. (Rijal al Sahih al Bukhari of al Kalabadhi vol. 2 pg. 652, al Kashif of al Dhahabi vol. 2 pg. 175)

[8] Minhaj al Sunnah al Nabawiyyah vol. 1 pg. 60.

[9] Ibid vol. 1 pg. 59.

[10] Miftah al Jannat fi al Ihtijaj bi al Sunnah of al Suyuti pg. 6.

[11] Murtada ibn Muhammad Ismail ibn Muhammad Sharif al ‘Askari. He was born in 1332 A.H in Samura’ and studied in the educational centre there after which he travelled to Qumm in 1349 A.H to complete his studies and then to al Kazimiyyah where he settled. Some of his books are: Ahadith Umm al Mu’minin Aisha and al Qur’an al Karim wa Riwayat al Madrasatayn. He died in Tehran in 1428 A.H.

[12] Hadith al Ifk of Jafar Murtada al Hussaini pg. 17.

[13] Bihar al Anwar vol. 32 pg. 270; Ma’rifat Akhbar al Rijal of al Kashshi pg. 40.

[14] Al Shari’ah of al Ajurri vol. 5 pg. 2393.

[15] Fath al Bari vol. 7 pg. 107.

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Baseless Fabrications against Sayyidah ‘Aisha



A group of unscrupulous individuals have committed themselves to fabricating terrible accusations against the Sahabah of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. These unsavoury characters have contaminated the books of history with lies and forgeries. Thus, the picture of that beautiful era has been disfigured by the writings of the sinful hands of these liars and the fabrications they forged.

These fabricators reared their heads in the era of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum and spread false reports throughout the land until it finaly led to civil strife. Those who cast accusations against the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam rely on this vile and horrid Saba’i legacy which the impostors and fabricators have left behind.

Sheikh al ‘Allamah Muhibb al Din al Khatib has mentioned:


O Muslims of this era and every era! Indeed, the criminal hands which have forged false reports on the tongues of ‘Aisha, ‘Ali, Talhah, and Zubair radiya Llahu ‘anhum are the same hands responsible for all this turmoil. They have engineered every fitnah from the first to the last. It is these same criminals who forged the message which was presumed to be that of Amir al Mu’minin ‘Uthman to his governor in Egypt at such a time that it is known that he had no governor in Egypt to begin with. This letter was forged in the name of ‘Uthman with the same pen which forged other messages in the name of ‘Ali. All of this with the sole purpose so that the rebels can return back to Madinah after they had been satisfied with the correctness of their Khalifah’s stance. And whatever has been circulated about him are all lies. He would act in every matter according to what he felt was true and sound. It was not only the son-in-law of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam—the one who was given glad tidings of martyrdom and Jannat—who was the victim of this wicked Saba’i conspiracy. In fact, Islam itself was the victim prior to this. The eras of Islam which were pure and unsullied have been adulterated and obscured by this wicked Jew and those who are obedient to him by the reigns of desires and passions.[1]


The reader of history needs to be cognisant of these realities in order for the innocence of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum to become apparent to him, and he may become aware of the lies which the Saba’iyyah and their grandchildren have inserted. Their only objective is to distort the face of that noble and pure era. Nonetheless, Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has appointed soldiers who will expose these fabrications and lies, and uncover the pure truth so that the pristine din of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and the honour of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum may be preserved. They are the ones who have shouldered His din, made His word reign supreme, and assisted His creed. Ibn al Mubarak[2] rahimahu Llah was asked:


هذه الأحاديث المصنوعة قال يعيش لها الجهابذة

“All these fabricated ahadith?”

He replied, “Great scholars will live for it (its eradication).”[3]


It is common knowledge that the Rawafid are the worst liars among the groups which have been linked to Islam. In fact, their creed rests upon falsehood. The most detestable people in their eyes are the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum. Imam al Shafi’i has declared:


لم أر أحدا أشهد بالزور من الرافضة

I have not seen anyone more deceitful than the Rawafid.[4]


Yazid ibn Harun[5] has stated:

يكتب عن كل صاحب بدعة إذا لم يكن داعية إلا الرافضة فإنهم يكذبون

Hadith of every innovator could be recorded on condition that he does not invite [towards it] except the Rawafid for indeed they are liars.[6]


Muhammad ibn Sa’id al Asbahani[7] narrates that he heard Sharik advise:


احمل العلم عن كل من لقيت إلا الرافضة فإنهم يضعون الحديث و يتخذونه دينا

Learn knowledge from everyone you meet besides the Rawafid for certainly they fabricate hadith and adopt it as their din.[8]


Ibn Taymiyyah has mentioned:


و قد اتفق أهل العلم بالنقل و الرواية و الإسناد على أن الرافضة أكذب الطوائف و الكذب فيهم قديم و لهذا كان أئمة الإسلام يعلمون امتيازهم بكثرة الكذب

The experts of narration, traditions, and isnad have unanimously agreed that the Rawafid are the worst liars among all the deviant sects. Falsehood has been their icon from their very inception. It is for this reason that the scholars of Islam would recognise their distinction to be abundance of lies.[9]


The statements of the ‘Ulama’ concerning the lies of the Rawafid are well known having no need to express, and they are so profuse that citing all of them in this brief treatise would be near impossible.

In the following pages, some of the accusations which the Rawafid have levelled against Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha will be mentioned so as to exonerate her from the slanders of the liars and to establish the truth. It is apt for us to cite at this juncture the statement of Hafiz al Jalal al Suyuti rahimahu Llah, which he mentions in the beginning of his book Miftah al Jannat after quoting the statement of some extremist Shia:


و هذه آراء ما كنت أستحل حكايتها لولا ما دعت إليه الضرورة من بيان أصل هذا المذهب الفاسد الذي كان الناس في راحة منه من أعصار

These are such views the quoting of which I do not regard as permissible except in cases of necessity purely to expose this corrupt creed which people have been relieved from for ages.[10]


Due to their extreme hatred for Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha, you will find severe disparagement against her and rejection of her virtues in their books. In fact, at times some of the fundamentals and that which has been proven categorically and by Tawatur regarding her have been denied. An example of this is the claim of Murtada al ‘Askari[11]—one of their contemporary scholars—that she was one of the slave-girls of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.[12] It is not far-fetched from the one who reaches this level of rejection to exaggerate in abusing and insulting her, and denying her every virtue. It is not at all improbable for him to narrate a blatant lie and false report from Sayyidina Ibn ‘Abbas radiya Llahu ‘anhuma that he addressed her saying:


و ما أنت إلا حشية من تسع حشايات خلفهن بعده لست بأبيضهن لونا و لا بأحسنهن وجها و لا بأرشحهن عرقا و لا بأنضرهن ورقا و لا بأطرئهن أصلا إلخ

You are nothing but a mattress from the nine mattresses he left behind after his demise. You are neither the fairest of them, nor the prettiest, nor the most qualified, nor the most beautiful, nor the purest in lineage.[13]


Such a blasphemous statement can only be uttered by one whose heart is filled with hatred, malice, and jealousy. For such a person lying, fabricating, and attributing falsehood to her is considred permissible just to indict her. And Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has protected her from their slanders and allegations.

Al Ajurri rahimahu Llah has mentioned:


روي أنه قيل لعائشة إن رجلا قال إنك لست له بأم فقالت صدق أنا أم المؤمنين و لست بأم المنافقين

It is reported that Sayyidah Aisha was informed, “A man has claimed that you are not his mother.”

“He has spoken the truth,” she replied, “I am the mother of the believers, not the mother of the hypocrites!”


It has reached me that one of the early Fuqaha’ was asked regarding two men who took oaths of talaq. One swore that Aisha was his mother while the other swore that she was not to which he commented, “Both of them have not broken their oath.” He was asked the reason behind this since most definitely one of them has broken his oath. He explained,


إن الذي حلف أنها أمه هو مؤمن لم يحنث و الذي حلف أنها ليست أمه هو منافق لم يحنث

The one who swore she was his mother is a believer who has not broken his promise while the one who swore that she was not his mother is a hypocrite who has not broken his oath.


Muhammad ibn al Hussain rahimahu Llah has stated:


فنعوذ بالله ممن يشنأ عائشة حبيبة رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم الطيبة المبرأة الصديقة ابنة الصديق أم المؤمنين رضي الله عنها و عن أبيها خليفة رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم

We seek Allah’s subhanahu wa ta ‘ala protection from the one who harbours hatred for Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha—the beloved of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the pure and exonerated, al Siddiqah bint al Siddiq, Mother of the Believers radiya Llahu ‘anha—and her father, the khalifah of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.[14]


Probably one of the main reasons behind the Rawafid’s slanders against her is that she memorised an abundance of the Sunnah of Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam coupled with the long life Allah gifted her after Rasulullah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam demise. She lived for nearly 50 years after him, hence people benefitted from her ocean of knowledge and learnt extensively from her.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahu Llah says:


قد حفظت عنه شيئا كثيرا و عاشت بعده قريبا من خمسين سنة فأكثر الناس الأخذ عنها و نقلوا عنها من الأحكام و الآداب شيئا كثيرا حتى قيل إن ربع الأحكام الشرعية منقول عنها رضي الله عنها

She remembered a considerable amount from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and lived after his demise for almost 50 years. Therefore, people learnt from her and related an abundance of laws and sunan from her to the extent that it is said that a quarter of the laws of Shari’ah have been reported from her. May Allah be pleased with her.[15]


NEXT⇒ Accusations against Sayyidah Aisha with regards to Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam

[1] His commentary on al ‘Awaasim min al Qawasim pg. 108.

[2] ‘Abdullah ibn al Mubarak ibn Wadih, Abu ‘Abd al Rahman al Mirwazi. He was an Imam, Sheikh al Islam, a hafiz, and a mujahid. He was born in 118 A.H. One of the most renowned scholars of his time. He spent lengthy periods on journey in search of knowledge and in Jihad. Among his books is al Zuhd and al Musnad. He passed away in 181 A.H. (Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ vol. 8 pg. 378, Tahdhib al Tahdhib vol. 3 pg. 247)

[3] Al Jarh wa al Ta’dil of Ibn Abi Hatim vol. 1 pg. 3

[4] Sharh Usul I’tiqad Ahlus Sunnah wa al Jama’ah of al Lalaka’i vol. 8 pg. 1544, al Sunan al Kubra of al Bayhaqi vol. 10 pg. 352

[5] Yazid ibn Harun ibn Zadhi; and it is said: Ibn Zadhan, Abu Khalid al Wasiti. The Imam, leader, Sheikh al Islam, and hafiz. Born in 118 A.H, he was an authority in knowledge and practice. He had a lofty status and was a devout worshipper. He is among those who enforced the truth and forbade evil. He passed away in 206 A.H. (Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ vol. 9 pg. 358, Tahdhib al Tahdhib vol. 6 pg. 230)

[6] Minhaj al Sunnah al Nabawiyyah of Ibn Taymiyyah vol. 1 pg. 60

[7] Muhammad ibn Sa’id, Abu Jafar. He is called Hamdan al Asbahani al Kufi. He is among the teachers of al Bukhari. He was a hafiz who would narrate from his memory. He would not accept al talqin (dictation) and would neither read from the books of people. He passed away in 220 A.H. (Rijal al Sahih al Bukhari of al Kalabadhi vol. 2 pg. 652, al Kashif of al Dhahabi vol. 2 pg. 175)

[8] Minhaj al Sunnah al Nabawiyyah vol. 1 pg. 60.

[9] Ibid vol. 1 pg. 59.

[10] Miftah al Jannat fi al Ihtijaj bi al Sunnah of al Suyuti pg. 6.

[11] Murtada ibn Muhammad Ismail ibn Muhammad Sharif al ‘Askari. He was born in 1332 A.H in Samura’ and studied in the educational centre there after which he travelled to Qumm in 1349 A.H to complete his studies and then to al Kazimiyyah where he settled. Some of his books are: Ahadith Umm al Mu’minin Aisha and al Qur’an al Karim wa Riwayat al Madrasatayn. He died in Tehran in 1428 A.H.

[12] Hadith al Ifk of Jafar Murtada al Hussaini pg. 17.

[13] Bihar al Anwar vol. 32 pg. 270; Ma’rifat Akhbar al Rijal of al Kashshi pg. 40.

[14] Al Shari’ah of al Ajurri vol. 5 pg. 2393.

[15] Fath al Bari vol. 7 pg. 107.