Accusation: The Shi’ah label her as al mutabarrijah (one who adorns herself when leaving the home)

Accusation: Sayyidah Aisha wailed over Abu Bakr
February 19, 2018
Accusation: Ibn ‘Abbas composed famous couplets condemning Sayyidah Aisha
February 19, 2018

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Accusation: The Shi’ah label her as al mutabarrijah (one who adorns herself when leaving the home)


They use a false hadith as proof alleging that Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha:


بلى يا حميراء قد خالفت أمري أشد الخلاف و ايم الله لتخالفين قولي هذا و لتعصينه و لتخرجين متبرجة

Indeed, O Humaira’! You opposed my command in the most awful way. By Allah’s oath! You will oppose this command of mine, disobey it, and leave (your home) after adorning yourself.


This hadith is documented in the books Irshad al Qulub of al Daylami and Kashf al Yaqin of al Hilli.



This hadith has no isnad. The book Irshad al Qulub ila al Sawab has been authored by Hassan ibn Abi al Hassan al Daylami[1] who lived during the eighth century. He is a Shia as clarified by Ismail Basha[2] in Hadyat al ‘Arifin and Idah al Maknun[3]. Most probably he is one of the extremists taking into consideration this narration which is in direct conflict with the Qur’an and Sunnah by every standard.

The book Kashf al Yaqin is written by Ibn Mutahhar al Hilli, Abu Mansur al Hassan ibn Yusuf, the Shia Imami. He died in 726 A.H.[4] He is extreme in Shi’ism, and corrupt in belief. Coupled with this, he was devoted to authoring books on the Shia creed.[5]


NEXT⇒ Accusation: Ibn ‘Abbas composed famous couplets condemning Sayyidah Aisha

[1] Hassan ibn Muhammad, Abu Muhammad al Daylami, the Shia orator. Irshad al Qulub and Ghurar al Akhbar wa Durar al Athar are some of his books. (Hadyat al ‘Arifin vol. 5 pg. 287)

[2] Ismail ibn Muhammad Amin ibn Mir Salim, al Babani al Baghdadi. The renowned ‘Alim, Author, Historian, and expert of books and their authors. Some of his books are Hadyat al ‘Arifin and Idah al Maknun fi al Dhayl ‘ala Kashf al Zunun. He passed away in 1339 A.H. (al A’lam vol. 1 pg. 326)

[3] Idah al Maknun fi al Dhayl ‘ala Kashf al Zunun vol. 1 pg. 62

[4] Idah al Maknun vol. 1 pg. 10

[5] Among his books are: al Tanasub bayn al Ash’ariyyah wa al Sufista’iyyah, al Jawhar al Nadid fi Sharh al Tajrid fi al Mantiq, al Hadi ‘Ashar fi ‘Ilm al Kalam, Mukhtalaf al Shi’ah fi Ahkam al Shari’ah, Minhaj al Istiqamah fi Ithbat al Imamah and al Dala’il al Burhaniyyah fi Tashih al Hadrah al Gharwiyyah

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Accusation: The Shi’ah label her as al mutabarrijah (one who adorns herself when leaving the home)


They use a false hadith as proof alleging that Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha:


بلى يا حميراء قد خالفت أمري أشد الخلاف و ايم الله لتخالفين قولي هذا و لتعصينه و لتخرجين متبرجة

Indeed, O Humaira’! You opposed my command in the most awful way. By Allah’s oath! You will oppose this command of mine, disobey it, and leave (your home) after adorning yourself.


This hadith is documented in the books Irshad al Qulub of al Daylami and Kashf al Yaqin of al Hilli.



This hadith has no isnad. The book Irshad al Qulub ila al Sawab has been authored by Hassan ibn Abi al Hassan al Daylami[1] who lived during the eighth century. He is a Shia as clarified by Ismail Basha[2] in Hadyat al ‘Arifin and Idah al Maknun[3]. Most probably he is one of the extremists taking into consideration this narration which is in direct conflict with the Qur’an and Sunnah by every standard.

The book Kashf al Yaqin is written by Ibn Mutahhar al Hilli, Abu Mansur al Hassan ibn Yusuf, the Shia Imami. He died in 726 A.H.[4] He is extreme in Shi’ism, and corrupt in belief. Coupled with this, he was devoted to authoring books on the Shia creed.[5]


NEXT⇒ Accusation: Ibn ‘Abbas composed famous couplets condemning Sayyidah Aisha

[1] Hassan ibn Muhammad, Abu Muhammad al Daylami, the Shia orator. Irshad al Qulub and Ghurar al Akhbar wa Durar al Athar are some of his books. (Hadyat al ‘Arifin vol. 5 pg. 287)

[2] Ismail ibn Muhammad Amin ibn Mir Salim, al Babani al Baghdadi. The renowned ‘Alim, Author, Historian, and expert of books and their authors. Some of his books are Hadyat al ‘Arifin and Idah al Maknun fi al Dhayl ‘ala Kashf al Zunun. He passed away in 1339 A.H. (al A’lam vol. 1 pg. 326)

[3] Idah al Maknun fi al Dhayl ‘ala Kashf al Zunun vol. 1 pg. 62

[4] Idah al Maknun vol. 1 pg. 10

[5] Among his books are: al Tanasub bayn al Ash’ariyyah wa al Sufista’iyyah, al Jawhar al Nadid fi Sharh al Tajrid fi al Mantiq, al Hadi ‘Ashar fi ‘Ilm al Kalam, Mukhtalaf al Shi’ah fi Ahkam al Shari’ah, Minhaj al Istiqamah fi Ithbat al Imamah and al Dala’il al Burhaniyyah fi Tashih al Hadrah al Gharwiyyah