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Under the title, “yawning is from Shaitan,” (page 258) Abu Rayyah says:
روى البخارى عن ابى هريرة عن النبى قال: التثائب من الشيطان فاذا تثائب احدكم فليرده ما استطاع فان احدكم اذا قال: ها, ضحك الشيطان
Al Bukhari reports from Abu Hurairah who narrates from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, “Yawning is from Shaitan. Thus, when any of you is about to yawn, then he should hold it back as much as he can, because when one of you says, ‘Haa’, then the devil laughs.”
NEXT⇒ Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “Allah Loves the Sneeze and Dislikes Yawning”
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Under the title, “yawning is from Shaitan,” (page 258) Abu Rayyah says:
روى البخارى عن ابى هريرة عن النبى قال: التثائب من الشيطان فاذا تثائب احدكم فليرده ما استطاع فان احدكم اذا قال: ها, ضحك الشيطان
Al Bukhari reports from Abu Hurairah who narrates from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, “Yawning is from Shaitan. Thus, when any of you is about to yawn, then he should hold it back as much as he can, because when one of you says, ‘Haa’, then the devil laughs.”
NEXT⇒ Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “Allah Loves the Sneeze and Dislikes Yawning”