Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith Regarding the Crowing of the Rooster and the Braying of the Donkey

Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “Yawning is from Shaytan”
December 2, 2015
Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “The Punishment of the One Who Refuses to Pay Zakah on the Day of Qiyamah…”
December 2, 2015

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Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith Regarding the Crowing of the Rooster and the Braying of the Donkey


Under the title, “the crowing of the rooster and the braying of the donkey,” (page 258), Abu Rayyah says:


 هذا الحديث اخرج الشيخان عن ابى هريرة و اللفظ للبخارى ان النبى قال: اذا سمعتم صياح الديك فاسئلو الله من فضله فانها رئت ملكا واذا سمعتم نهاق الحمير فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان فانها رئت شيطانا

This hadith is reported by al Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah, these are the words of al Bukhari, “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘When you hear the crowing of the rooster then ask Allah from his bounty, as it saw an angel, and when you hear the braying of a donkey then seek the protection of Allah from the devil as it saw a devil.’”


Our comment: This hadith is reported by your Imams, reliable narrators, and hadith scholars. It is from their authentic narrations. Al Majlisi quotes this hadith from al Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, al Tirmidhi, and al Nasa’i (from Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu).[1] He quotes the very narration which you reject! If the hadith of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu does not appeal to you, then we can quote for you the ahadith of the Imams. These are the narrations which are ‘authentically’ narrated from the Ahlul Bayt from their grandfathers. Al Barqi reports from a man — Ibn Asbat — his uncle — ‘Ali — from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam:


اذا سمعتم نياح الكلب و نهيق الحمير فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان الرجيم فانهم يرون ولا ترون فافعلوا ما تؤمرون

When you hear the barking of a dog and the braying of a donkey then seek the protection of Allah from the devil, the accursed, as they see that which you do not see, so do as you are instructed.[2]


Al Majlisi reports that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:


لا تؤوو منديل اللحم فى البيت فانه مربض الشيطان… و اذا سمعتم نباح الكلاب و نهيق الحمير فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان فانهم يرون ولا ترون فافعلوا ما تؤمرون

Do not leave a cloth with meat on it in the house at night as it is the toilet of the devil… When you hear the barking of a dog and the braying of a donkey then seek the protection of Allah from the devil, as they see and you do not see, so do as you are instructed.[3]



NEXT⇒ Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “Yawning is from Shaitan”

[1] Bihar al Anwar, 65/7, the virtue of keeping roosters and chickens.

[2]Bihar al Anwar, 65/64, 62/64; al Hilyah, pg. 608; Wasa’il al Shia, 3/573.

[3]Bihar al Anwar, 63/199-200, the chapter of Iblis and his stories, 65/64, 62/64 # 221; al Hilyah, pg. 608; Wasa’il al Shia, 3/573.

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Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith Regarding the Crowing of the Rooster and the Braying of the Donkey


Under the title, “the crowing of the rooster and the braying of the donkey,” (page 258), Abu Rayyah says:


 هذا الحديث اخرج الشيخان عن ابى هريرة و اللفظ للبخارى ان النبى قال: اذا سمعتم صياح الديك فاسئلو الله من فضله فانها رئت ملكا واذا سمعتم نهاق الحمير فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان فانها رئت شيطانا

This hadith is reported by al Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah, these are the words of al Bukhari, “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘When you hear the crowing of the rooster then ask Allah from his bounty, as it saw an angel, and when you hear the braying of a donkey then seek the protection of Allah from the devil as it saw a devil.’”


Our comment: This hadith is reported by your Imams, reliable narrators, and hadith scholars. It is from their authentic narrations. Al Majlisi quotes this hadith from al Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, al Tirmidhi, and al Nasa’i (from Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu).[1] He quotes the very narration which you reject! If the hadith of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu does not appeal to you, then we can quote for you the ahadith of the Imams. These are the narrations which are ‘authentically’ narrated from the Ahlul Bayt from their grandfathers. Al Barqi reports from a man — Ibn Asbat — his uncle — ‘Ali — from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam:


اذا سمعتم نياح الكلب و نهيق الحمير فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان الرجيم فانهم يرون ولا ترون فافعلوا ما تؤمرون

When you hear the barking of a dog and the braying of a donkey then seek the protection of Allah from the devil, the accursed, as they see that which you do not see, so do as you are instructed.[2]


Al Majlisi reports that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:


لا تؤوو منديل اللحم فى البيت فانه مربض الشيطان… و اذا سمعتم نباح الكلاب و نهيق الحمير فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان فانهم يرون ولا ترون فافعلوا ما تؤمرون

Do not leave a cloth with meat on it in the house at night as it is the toilet of the devil… When you hear the barking of a dog and the braying of a donkey then seek the protection of Allah from the devil, as they see and you do not see, so do as you are instructed.[3]



NEXT⇒ Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “Yawning is from Shaitan”

[1] Bihar al Anwar, 65/7, the virtue of keeping roosters and chickens.

[2]Bihar al Anwar, 65/64, 62/64; al Hilyah, pg. 608; Wasa’il al Shia, 3/573.

[3]Bihar al Anwar, 63/199-200, the chapter of Iblis and his stories, 65/64, 62/64 # 221; al Hilyah, pg. 608; Wasa’il al Shia, 3/573.