Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “In Jannah There is a Tree, A Rider Will Ride in its Shade…”

Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “A Child Born from an Illicit Relationship Will Not Enter Jannah”
December 2, 2015
Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “The Nile, Sayhan, Jayhan and the Euphrates are from the Rivers of Jannah”
December 2, 2015

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Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “In Jannat There is a Tree, A Rider Will Ride in its Shade…”


Abu Rayyah says on page 101:


وقد بلغ من دهاء كعب الاحبار و استغلاله لسذاجة ابي هريرة و غفلته ان كان يلقنه ما يريد بثه فى الدين الاسلامى من خرافات و اساطير حتى اذا رواها ابو هريرة  عاد هو فصدق ابا هريرة لياكد هذه الاسرائيليلت و ليمكن لها فى عقول المسلمين كان الخبر قد رواه ابو هريرة عن النبى وهو فى الحقيقة عن كعب الاحبار و اليك مثلا اخر من الاحاديث التى رواها ابو هريرة عن النبى (ص) وهى فى الحقيقة من الاسرائيليات: روى احمد والبخارى و مسلم و غيرهم عن ابى هريرة ان رسول الله  قال: ان فى الجنة شجرة يسير الراكب فى ظلها مائة عام لا يقطعها اقرؤوا ان شئتم (وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوۡدٍ)…و هكذا يتعاونان على نشر هذه الخرافات بين المسلمين و يسوس الدين…

The shrewdness of Ka’b and his extraordinary talent in taking advantage of the simple mindedness of Abu Hurairah led him to repeat before Abu Hurairah all the nonsense and fairy tales that he wished should be incorporated into the religion of Islam. As soon as Abu Hurairah would narrate them, he would reappear on the scene to affirm these Isra’ili narrations, and to dupe the Muslims into thinking that Abu Hurairah really was narrating that from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, whereas the reality was that it was a narration from Ka’b al Ahbar. We present to you another example from the ahadith which Abu Hurairah narrates from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, whereas they are Isra’ili narrations. Ahmed, al Bukhari, Muslim and others report from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “In Jannat there is a tree, a rider will ride in its shade for a hundred years but he will not get past it.” Read if you wish, “And shade extended[1]…” This is the manner in which they would help one another to spread absurdities and monopolise the din.


Our comment: This is an indication of his ignorance regarding the noble Qur’an. Further, Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu is not the sole narrator of this hadith. It is also narrated by Anas, Sahl ibn Sa’d, and Abu Sa’id al Khudri radiya Llahu ‘anhum.[2] What does the pride of the researchers of this century have to say regarding the other three Sahabah? Did Ka’b take advantage of their “simple mindedness” just as he took advantage of the “simple mindedness” of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, as you claim? Alas! You are proof of the wisdom of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who said: “When you lose your shame, then do as you wish!”[3]

A question comes to mind; if Ka’b al Ahbar managed, due to his extraordinary talent in taking advantage of the simple mindedness of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu to incorporate into the religion of Islam and the minds of the Muslims, then what happened to your Imams, who are divinely protected by Allah, as you believe? How did they end up narrating the same “absurdities and fairy tales”? It is reported in Bihar al Anwar, from Abu BasirImam Jafar — his forefathers — Amir al Mu’minin:


طوبى شجرة فى الجنة اصلها فى دار النبى   وليس من مؤمن الا و فى داره غصن منها لا تخطر على قلبه شهوة شيئ الا اتاه به ذلك الغصن ولو ان راكبا مجدا سار فى ظلها مائة عام ما خرج منها ولو طار غراب ما بلغ اعلاها حتى يسقط هرما الا فى هذا فارغبوا

Tuba is a tree in Jannat, the roots of it are in the house of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. There is no believer who will not have a branch of it in his house. No desire will cross his heart except that the branch will bring it to him. If a prominent rider travels in its shade for one hundred years, he will not emerge from it. If a crow flies, it will not reach the top before falling due to old age. Listen well! This is what you should be desirous of.[4]


Al Majlisi reports from one of the scholars who says that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anha:


انه لما اسرى بى الى السماء-الى ان قال- فلما دخلت الجنة رءيت فى الجنة شجرة طوبى…وسطها ظل ممدود عرض الجنة كعرض السماء والارض…يسير الراكب فى ذلك الظل مسيرة مائة عام فلا يقطعه و ذلك قوله وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوْدٍ

When I was raised to the sky… when I entered Jannat, I saw in it the Tuba tree… the centre of it is extended shade, the width of Jannat is equivalent to the breadth of the heavens and the earth… A rider will ride in its shade for a thousand years, but he will not be able to emerge from it. It is referred to in the statement of Allah: “And shade extended.”[5].[6]


Tafsir al Qummi states:


قرء ابو عبد الله (ع) وَّ طَلْحٍ  مَّنْضُوْدٍ قال: بعضه اللى بعض وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوْدٍ  قال ظل ممدود وسط الجنة فى عرض الجنة و عرض الجنة كعرض السماء والارض كعرض السماء والارض يسير الراكب فى ذلك الظل مسيرة مائة عام فلا يقطعه

Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah recited, And trees layered (with fruit).[7] He explained, “They will overlap one another.” Then he recited, And shade extended, and he explained, “In the centre of the breadth of Jannat and the breadth of Jannat is equivalent to the breadth of the heavens and the earth. A rider will ride in its shade for a thousand years, but he will not be able to emerge from it.”[8]


Al Majlisi states:


وقد ورد في الخبر ان فى الجنة شجرة يسير الراكب فى ظلها مائة سنة فلا يقطعها اقرؤو ان شئتم وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوْدٍ

It appears in a narration that in Jannat there is a tree that a rider will ride in its shade for a thousand years, but he will not be able to emerge from it. Read if you wish, And shade extended.”[9][10]


Al Majlisi has recorded a narration from Amir al Mu’minin ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu:


لما نزلت على رسول الله   وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوْدٍ قام مقداد بن الاسود الكندى الى النبى    فقال يا رسول الله و ما طوبى؟ قال: يا مقداد شجرة فى الجنة لو يسير الراكب الجواد لسار فى ظلها مائة عام قبل ان يقطعها ورقها و قشورها…

When the verse, And shade extended,[11] was revealed to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Miqdad ibn al Aswad al Kindi approached the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and asked, “O Messenger, what is Tuba?”

The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “O Miqdad, it is a tree in Jannat. If a fast rider rides in its shade, he will ride for one hundred years before emerging from it…”[12]


ان رسول الله سئل عن قول الله يوم نحشر المتقين الى الرحمن وفدا  فقال: يا على ان الوفد لا يكونون الا ركبانا اولئك رجال اتقوا الله-اللى ان قال- و على باب الجنة شجرة ان الورقة منها ليستظل تحتها الف رجل من الناس

The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was asked regarding the verse, On the Day We will gather the righteous to the Most Merciful as a delegation.[13]

He said, “O ‘Ali, a delegation always has conveyances. Those are people who feared Allah… there is tree at the entrance of Jannat, one leave of it provides shade for a thousand men.”[14]


A lengthy hadith from ‘Abdullah ibn Salam is quoted. He says, “You have spoken the truth, O Muhammad. Now describe to me the trees of Jannat.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied:


فى الجنة شجرة يقال لها طوبى اصلها من در و اغصانها من الزبرجد و ثمرها الجوهر ليس فى الجنة غرفة ولا حجرة ولا موضع الا و هى متدلية عليه قال صدقت يا محمد..

“There is a tree in Jannat which is called Tuba. The roots are from pearls, the branches are green jewels and its fruit are gems. There is no room, cubicle/stone or area in Jannat, except that a portion of the tree hangs over it.”

Ibn Salam said, “You have spoken the truth, O Muhammad.”[15]


Did Ka’b manage to fool the infallible Imams just as he managed to fool Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu? The truth is that if we wish to go along with Abu Rayyah and the one who was called Sadr al Din, as far as belying all the narrations which describe the vastness or greatness of Jannat and Jahannam, then we will end up belying all the Sahabah as well as the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt, without any exception. This is because every single narrator relates from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam a hadith in which some mention of the greatness of either Jannat or Jahannam is mentioned. So, why was Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu singled out for this attack?

Each and every aspect of Jannat is magnificent; its rivers, mountains, trees, fruit and everything else in it. Whoever believes in it, imagining it to be small, will believe in it when he learns of its huge size. This is because it is more difficult for Abu Rayyah, Sadr, and their likes to believe in its existence and the fact that one will remain there forever, than for them to believe in its vastness. Abu Rayyah and Sadr do not believe in the very existence of Jannat, which is the reason why they hurriedly belied the narrations concerning its vastness and magnificence.



NEXT⇒ Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “A Child Born from an Illicit Relationship Will Not Enter Jannat”

[1]  Surah al Waqi’ah: 30.

[2]Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab Bad’ al Khalq, Bab Sifat al Jannat wa l-Nar; Sahih Muslim ma’a Sharh al Nawawi, 17/167-168.

[3]Difa’ ‘an al Sunnah, pg. 138.

[4] Bihar al Anwar, 8/117, 118, 131, chapter of Jannat and its bounties.

[5]  Surah al Waqi’ah: 30.

[6] Bihar al Anwar, 8/408-409.

[7]  Surah al Waqi’ah: 29.

[8]Tafsir al Qummi, 2/348; al Safi, 5/122-123; Kanz al Daqa’iq, 10/200; Nur al Thaqalayn, 5/216; Al Burhan, 4/278; Bihar al Anwar, 8/109, 134, 137, 155, Bab al Jannat wa Na’imuha.

[9]  Surah al Waqi’ah: 30.

[10] Bihar al Anwar, 8/109.

[11]  Surah a-Waqi’ah: 30.

[12] Bihar al Anwar, 8/151, the chapter of Jannat and its bounties.

[13]  Surah Maryam: 85.

[14] Tafsir Nur al Thaqlayn, 3/360.

[15] Bihar al Anwar, 60/255.

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Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “In Jannat There is a Tree, A Rider Will Ride in its Shade…”


Abu Rayyah says on page 101:


وقد بلغ من دهاء كعب الاحبار و استغلاله لسذاجة ابي هريرة و غفلته ان كان يلقنه ما يريد بثه فى الدين الاسلامى من خرافات و اساطير حتى اذا رواها ابو هريرة  عاد هو فصدق ابا هريرة لياكد هذه الاسرائيليلت و ليمكن لها فى عقول المسلمين كان الخبر قد رواه ابو هريرة عن النبى وهو فى الحقيقة عن كعب الاحبار و اليك مثلا اخر من الاحاديث التى رواها ابو هريرة عن النبى (ص) وهى فى الحقيقة من الاسرائيليات: روى احمد والبخارى و مسلم و غيرهم عن ابى هريرة ان رسول الله  قال: ان فى الجنة شجرة يسير الراكب فى ظلها مائة عام لا يقطعها اقرؤوا ان شئتم (وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوۡدٍ)…و هكذا يتعاونان على نشر هذه الخرافات بين المسلمين و يسوس الدين…

The shrewdness of Ka’b and his extraordinary talent in taking advantage of the simple mindedness of Abu Hurairah led him to repeat before Abu Hurairah all the nonsense and fairy tales that he wished should be incorporated into the religion of Islam. As soon as Abu Hurairah would narrate them, he would reappear on the scene to affirm these Isra’ili narrations, and to dupe the Muslims into thinking that Abu Hurairah really was narrating that from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, whereas the reality was that it was a narration from Ka’b al Ahbar. We present to you another example from the ahadith which Abu Hurairah narrates from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, whereas they are Isra’ili narrations. Ahmed, al Bukhari, Muslim and others report from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “In Jannat there is a tree, a rider will ride in its shade for a hundred years but he will not get past it.” Read if you wish, “And shade extended[1]…” This is the manner in which they would help one another to spread absurdities and monopolise the din.


Our comment: This is an indication of his ignorance regarding the noble Qur’an. Further, Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu is not the sole narrator of this hadith. It is also narrated by Anas, Sahl ibn Sa’d, and Abu Sa’id al Khudri radiya Llahu ‘anhum.[2] What does the pride of the researchers of this century have to say regarding the other three Sahabah? Did Ka’b take advantage of their “simple mindedness” just as he took advantage of the “simple mindedness” of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, as you claim? Alas! You are proof of the wisdom of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who said: “When you lose your shame, then do as you wish!”[3]

A question comes to mind; if Ka’b al Ahbar managed, due to his extraordinary talent in taking advantage of the simple mindedness of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu to incorporate into the religion of Islam and the minds of the Muslims, then what happened to your Imams, who are divinely protected by Allah, as you believe? How did they end up narrating the same “absurdities and fairy tales”? It is reported in Bihar al Anwar, from Abu BasirImam Jafar — his forefathers — Amir al Mu’minin:


طوبى شجرة فى الجنة اصلها فى دار النبى   وليس من مؤمن الا و فى داره غصن منها لا تخطر على قلبه شهوة شيئ الا اتاه به ذلك الغصن ولو ان راكبا مجدا سار فى ظلها مائة عام ما خرج منها ولو طار غراب ما بلغ اعلاها حتى يسقط هرما الا فى هذا فارغبوا

Tuba is a tree in Jannat, the roots of it are in the house of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. There is no believer who will not have a branch of it in his house. No desire will cross his heart except that the branch will bring it to him. If a prominent rider travels in its shade for one hundred years, he will not emerge from it. If a crow flies, it will not reach the top before falling due to old age. Listen well! This is what you should be desirous of.[4]


Al Majlisi reports from one of the scholars who says that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anha:


انه لما اسرى بى الى السماء-الى ان قال- فلما دخلت الجنة رءيت فى الجنة شجرة طوبى…وسطها ظل ممدود عرض الجنة كعرض السماء والارض…يسير الراكب فى ذلك الظل مسيرة مائة عام فلا يقطعه و ذلك قوله وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوْدٍ

When I was raised to the sky… when I entered Jannat, I saw in it the Tuba tree… the centre of it is extended shade, the width of Jannat is equivalent to the breadth of the heavens and the earth… A rider will ride in its shade for a thousand years, but he will not be able to emerge from it. It is referred to in the statement of Allah: “And shade extended.”[5].[6]


Tafsir al Qummi states:


قرء ابو عبد الله (ع) وَّ طَلْحٍ  مَّنْضُوْدٍ قال: بعضه اللى بعض وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوْدٍ  قال ظل ممدود وسط الجنة فى عرض الجنة و عرض الجنة كعرض السماء والارض كعرض السماء والارض يسير الراكب فى ذلك الظل مسيرة مائة عام فلا يقطعه

Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah recited, And trees layered (with fruit).[7] He explained, “They will overlap one another.” Then he recited, And shade extended, and he explained, “In the centre of the breadth of Jannat and the breadth of Jannat is equivalent to the breadth of the heavens and the earth. A rider will ride in its shade for a thousand years, but he will not be able to emerge from it.”[8]


Al Majlisi states:


وقد ورد في الخبر ان فى الجنة شجرة يسير الراكب فى ظلها مائة سنة فلا يقطعها اقرؤو ان شئتم وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوْدٍ

It appears in a narration that in Jannat there is a tree that a rider will ride in its shade for a thousand years, but he will not be able to emerge from it. Read if you wish, And shade extended.”[9][10]


Al Majlisi has recorded a narration from Amir al Mu’minin ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu:


لما نزلت على رسول الله   وَّ ظِلٍّ  مَّمْدُوْدٍ قام مقداد بن الاسود الكندى الى النبى    فقال يا رسول الله و ما طوبى؟ قال: يا مقداد شجرة فى الجنة لو يسير الراكب الجواد لسار فى ظلها مائة عام قبل ان يقطعها ورقها و قشورها…

When the verse, And shade extended,[11] was revealed to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Miqdad ibn al Aswad al Kindi approached the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and asked, “O Messenger, what is Tuba?”

The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “O Miqdad, it is a tree in Jannat. If a fast rider rides in its shade, he will ride for one hundred years before emerging from it…”[12]


ان رسول الله سئل عن قول الله يوم نحشر المتقين الى الرحمن وفدا  فقال: يا على ان الوفد لا يكونون الا ركبانا اولئك رجال اتقوا الله-اللى ان قال- و على باب الجنة شجرة ان الورقة منها ليستظل تحتها الف رجل من الناس

The Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was asked regarding the verse, On the Day We will gather the righteous to the Most Merciful as a delegation.[13]

He said, “O ‘Ali, a delegation always has conveyances. Those are people who feared Allah… there is tree at the entrance of Jannat, one leave of it provides shade for a thousand men.”[14]


A lengthy hadith from ‘Abdullah ibn Salam is quoted. He says, “You have spoken the truth, O Muhammad. Now describe to me the trees of Jannat.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied:


فى الجنة شجرة يقال لها طوبى اصلها من در و اغصانها من الزبرجد و ثمرها الجوهر ليس فى الجنة غرفة ولا حجرة ولا موضع الا و هى متدلية عليه قال صدقت يا محمد..

“There is a tree in Jannat which is called Tuba. The roots are from pearls, the branches are green jewels and its fruit are gems. There is no room, cubicle/stone or area in Jannat, except that a portion of the tree hangs over it.”

Ibn Salam said, “You have spoken the truth, O Muhammad.”[15]


Did Ka’b manage to fool the infallible Imams just as he managed to fool Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu? The truth is that if we wish to go along with Abu Rayyah and the one who was called Sadr al Din, as far as belying all the narrations which describe the vastness or greatness of Jannat and Jahannam, then we will end up belying all the Sahabah as well as the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt, without any exception. This is because every single narrator relates from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam a hadith in which some mention of the greatness of either Jannat or Jahannam is mentioned. So, why was Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu singled out for this attack?

Each and every aspect of Jannat is magnificent; its rivers, mountains, trees, fruit and everything else in it. Whoever believes in it, imagining it to be small, will believe in it when he learns of its huge size. This is because it is more difficult for Abu Rayyah, Sadr, and their likes to believe in its existence and the fact that one will remain there forever, than for them to believe in its vastness. Abu Rayyah and Sadr do not believe in the very existence of Jannat, which is the reason why they hurriedly belied the narrations concerning its vastness and magnificence.



NEXT⇒ Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “A Child Born from an Illicit Relationship Will Not Enter Jannat”

[1]  Surah al Waqi’ah: 30.

[2]Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab Bad’ al Khalq, Bab Sifat al Jannat wa l-Nar; Sahih Muslim ma’a Sharh al Nawawi, 17/167-168.

[3]Difa’ ‘an al Sunnah, pg. 138.

[4] Bihar al Anwar, 8/117, 118, 131, chapter of Jannat and its bounties.

[5]  Surah al Waqi’ah: 30.

[6] Bihar al Anwar, 8/408-409.

[7]  Surah al Waqi’ah: 29.

[8]Tafsir al Qummi, 2/348; al Safi, 5/122-123; Kanz al Daqa’iq, 10/200; Nur al Thaqalayn, 5/216; Al Burhan, 4/278; Bihar al Anwar, 8/109, 134, 137, 155, Bab al Jannat wa Na’imuha.

[9]  Surah al Waqi’ah: 30.

[10] Bihar al Anwar, 8/109.

[11]  Surah a-Waqi’ah: 30.

[12] Bihar al Anwar, 8/151, the chapter of Jannat and its bounties.

[13]  Surah Maryam: 85.

[14] Tafsir Nur al Thaqlayn, 3/360.

[15] Bihar al Anwar, 60/255.