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On page 254, Abu Rayyah says:
روى الترمذى فى جامعه عن ابى هرية قال قال رسول الله: العجوة من الجنة و فيها شفاء من السم و فى رواية بزيادة: والكماة من المن و ماءها شفاء العين
Al Tirmidhi reports in his Jami’ from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “‘Ajwah is from Jannat and it contains the cure to poison.” Another narration has the addition, “Mushrooms are from Mann, and its water is a cure for the eyes.”
Our comment: Al Nuri al Tabarsi has a chapter in his Mustadrak al Wasa’il under the book of food and drink, which he titled, “chapter of the mushroom”. In this chapter, he quotes this hadith of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, which is reported from him by al Sheikh al Tusi in his Amali. Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Makhlad — Muhammad ibn Yunus al Qurashi — Sa’id ibn ‘Amir — Muhammad ibn ‘Amr ibn ‘Alqamah — Abu Salamah — Abu Hurairah — the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam:
الكماة من المن و ماءها شفاء العين
Mushrooms are from Mann, and its water is a cure for the eyes.[1]
Al ‘Amili, in his Wasa’il, has a chapter under the book of food and drink, which he titled, “chapter of the mushroom”. In this chapter, he quotes this hadith from the Imams. ‘Abdur Rahman ibn Yazid reports from Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
الكماة من المن والمن من الجنة ماءه نافع من وجع العين و فى رواية و العجوة من الجنة
Mushrooms are from Mann, and Mann is from Jannat. Its water is beneficial for sore eyes. One narration goes on to state, “… and ‘Ajwah is from Jannat.”[2]
Da’a’im al Islam reports from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:
الكماة من المن و ماءها شفاء العين
Mushrooms are from Mann, and its water is a cure for the eyes.
Zaid ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain rahimahu Llah says:
صفة ذلك ان تاخذ كماة فتغسلها حتى تنقيها ثم تعصرها بخرقة و تاخذ ماءها فترفعه على النار حتى ينعقد ثم يلقى فيها قيراط من مسك ثم تجعل ذلك فى قارورة و تكتحل منه فى اوجاع العين كلها فاذا جف فاسحقه بماء السماء او غيره ثم اكتحل منه
The manner in which it will be done is that you will take a mushroom and wash it until it is clean. Then you squeeze it with a cloth. Then take the water of it and place it upon the fire until it thickens. Thereafter add a qirat of musk and pour the mixture into a glass container. You can then use it as antimony for all eye aches. If it hardens, add rainwater or any other water to it and use it.[3]
Darim ibn Qabisah reports from al Rida — his forefathers — from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who said:
الكماة من المن الذى انزل الله تعالى على بنى اسرائيل و هى شفاء العين
Mushrooms are from the Mann which Allah sent down for Banu Isra’il, and it cures the eyes.[4]
With regards to ‘Ajwah, al Hurr al ‘Amili in his Wasa’il, has a chapter under the book of food and drink, which he titled, “chapter of the ‘Ajwah”. Here, he narrates this hadith. ‘Abdur Rahman ibn Zaid ibn Aslam reports from Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah:
العجوة من الجنة و فيها شفاء من السم
‘Ajwah is from Jannat and it contains the cure to poison.[5]
Al Sadiq said:
الصرفان هو العجوة و فيه شفاء من الداء
Al Sarfan is ‘Ajwah and it contains the cure to sicknesses.[6]
What does he have to say regarding these ahadith from the Imams?
While he rejects the ahadith of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam on the basis of his corrupted intellect and he is amazed that ‘Ajwah contains a cure in it, he wholeheartedly accepts that the sand of the grave of Hussain has the cure of everything besides death. We present to you a few of the narrations cited by the Shia; al Hurr al ‘Amili has a chapter in his Wasa’il al Shia which he titled, “the permissibility of eating the equivalent of one chickpea of sand from the grave of Hussain with the intention of cure and the manner in which it should be eaten, and the impermissibility of eating it simply to fulfil one’s desire as well as the impermissibility of eating from the graves of the other Imams besides Hussain”. Wasa’il al Shia reports from Abu Yahya al Wasiti who reports from another person that Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah said:
الطين حرام كله كلحم الخنزير ومن اكله ثم مات منه لم اصل عليه الا طين القبر فان فيه شفاء من كل داء ومن اكله بشهوة لم يكن له فيه شفاء
All sand is forbidden, just as swine is forbidden. I will not pray for the one who dies from eating it, unless it is the sand from the grave, as it contains the cure to all sicknesses. However, if someone eats it to fulfil his desires, then it will not cure him.[7]
Abu Hamzah al Thumali reports from Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah who was asked if a certain sand had any curative effects. He replied:
يستشفى ما بينه و بين القبر على رءس اربعة اميال و كذلك قبر جدى رسول الله وكذا طين قبر الحسين و على و محمد فخذ منها فانها شفاء من كل داء
Whatever is within four miles (between it and the grave) has cure in it. The same could be said about the grave of my grandfather, the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as well the graves of Hussain, ‘Ali, and Muhammad, so take from them. They contain the cure to every ailment, sickness, and insanity that you fear…[8]
NEXT⇒ Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “In Jannat there will be Music”
[1] Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/423-424, Bab al Kam’ah; Amali al Tusi, 1/394; Bihar al Anwar, 66/231, # 2.
[2] Wasa’il al Shia, 17/132-133, 159, 160, 109, Bab al Kam’ah; al Hilyah, pg. 411; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/378, 424, 389; al Basa’ir, pg. 524; Tibb al A’immah, pg. 82; al Da’a’im, 2/148 # 520; Tibb al Nabi wa l-A’immah, pg. 43 # 3, chapter seven, curing the eyes and ears, pg. 198, Bab al Kam’ah.
[3] Al Da’a’im, 2/147 # 520; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/424.
[4] Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/423, Bab al Kam’ah; Makarim al Akhlaq, pg. 181; Bihar al Anwar, 66/217 # 9, Ramz al Sihhah, Tibb al Nabi wa l-A’immah, pg. 198 # 1.
[5] Wasa’il al Shia, 17/109, 110 Bab al ‘Ajwah; Bihar al Anwar 60/40; al ‘Awali, 1/107-108, 184; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/385; al Da’a’im, 2/111 # 364; Tibb al Nabi wa l-A’immah, pg. 124 # 5 Bab al Tamr.
[6] Tibb al Nabi wa l-A’immah, pg. 127; Wasa’il al Shia, 17/110; Al Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/385, Bab al ‘Ajwah.
[7] Wasa’il al Shia, 16/395.
[8] Wasa’il al Shia, 16/396, 397; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/203, 204.
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On page 254, Abu Rayyah says:
روى الترمذى فى جامعه عن ابى هرية قال قال رسول الله: العجوة من الجنة و فيها شفاء من السم و فى رواية بزيادة: والكماة من المن و ماءها شفاء العين
Al Tirmidhi reports in his Jami’ from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “‘Ajwah is from Jannat and it contains the cure to poison.” Another narration has the addition, “Mushrooms are from Mann, and its water is a cure for the eyes.”
Our comment: Al Nuri al Tabarsi has a chapter in his Mustadrak al Wasa’il under the book of food and drink, which he titled, “chapter of the mushroom”. In this chapter, he quotes this hadith of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, which is reported from him by al Sheikh al Tusi in his Amali. Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Makhlad — Muhammad ibn Yunus al Qurashi — Sa’id ibn ‘Amir — Muhammad ibn ‘Amr ibn ‘Alqamah — Abu Salamah — Abu Hurairah — the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam:
الكماة من المن و ماءها شفاء العين
Mushrooms are from Mann, and its water is a cure for the eyes.[1]
Al ‘Amili, in his Wasa’il, has a chapter under the book of food and drink, which he titled, “chapter of the mushroom”. In this chapter, he quotes this hadith from the Imams. ‘Abdur Rahman ibn Yazid reports from Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
الكماة من المن والمن من الجنة ماءه نافع من وجع العين و فى رواية و العجوة من الجنة
Mushrooms are from Mann, and Mann is from Jannat. Its water is beneficial for sore eyes. One narration goes on to state, “… and ‘Ajwah is from Jannat.”[2]
Da’a’im al Islam reports from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:
الكماة من المن و ماءها شفاء العين
Mushrooms are from Mann, and its water is a cure for the eyes.
Zaid ibn ‘Ali ibn Hussain rahimahu Llah says:
صفة ذلك ان تاخذ كماة فتغسلها حتى تنقيها ثم تعصرها بخرقة و تاخذ ماءها فترفعه على النار حتى ينعقد ثم يلقى فيها قيراط من مسك ثم تجعل ذلك فى قارورة و تكتحل منه فى اوجاع العين كلها فاذا جف فاسحقه بماء السماء او غيره ثم اكتحل منه
The manner in which it will be done is that you will take a mushroom and wash it until it is clean. Then you squeeze it with a cloth. Then take the water of it and place it upon the fire until it thickens. Thereafter add a qirat of musk and pour the mixture into a glass container. You can then use it as antimony for all eye aches. If it hardens, add rainwater or any other water to it and use it.[3]
Darim ibn Qabisah reports from al Rida — his forefathers — from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who said:
الكماة من المن الذى انزل الله تعالى على بنى اسرائيل و هى شفاء العين
Mushrooms are from the Mann which Allah sent down for Banu Isra’il, and it cures the eyes.[4]
With regards to ‘Ajwah, al Hurr al ‘Amili in his Wasa’il, has a chapter under the book of food and drink, which he titled, “chapter of the ‘Ajwah”. Here, he narrates this hadith. ‘Abdur Rahman ibn Zaid ibn Aslam reports from Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah:
العجوة من الجنة و فيها شفاء من السم
‘Ajwah is from Jannat and it contains the cure to poison.[5]
Al Sadiq said:
الصرفان هو العجوة و فيه شفاء من الداء
Al Sarfan is ‘Ajwah and it contains the cure to sicknesses.[6]
What does he have to say regarding these ahadith from the Imams?
While he rejects the ahadith of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam on the basis of his corrupted intellect and he is amazed that ‘Ajwah contains a cure in it, he wholeheartedly accepts that the sand of the grave of Hussain has the cure of everything besides death. We present to you a few of the narrations cited by the Shia; al Hurr al ‘Amili has a chapter in his Wasa’il al Shia which he titled, “the permissibility of eating the equivalent of one chickpea of sand from the grave of Hussain with the intention of cure and the manner in which it should be eaten, and the impermissibility of eating it simply to fulfil one’s desire as well as the impermissibility of eating from the graves of the other Imams besides Hussain”. Wasa’il al Shia reports from Abu Yahya al Wasiti who reports from another person that Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah said:
الطين حرام كله كلحم الخنزير ومن اكله ثم مات منه لم اصل عليه الا طين القبر فان فيه شفاء من كل داء ومن اكله بشهوة لم يكن له فيه شفاء
All sand is forbidden, just as swine is forbidden. I will not pray for the one who dies from eating it, unless it is the sand from the grave, as it contains the cure to all sicknesses. However, if someone eats it to fulfil his desires, then it will not cure him.[7]
Abu Hamzah al Thumali reports from Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah who was asked if a certain sand had any curative effects. He replied:
يستشفى ما بينه و بين القبر على رءس اربعة اميال و كذلك قبر جدى رسول الله وكذا طين قبر الحسين و على و محمد فخذ منها فانها شفاء من كل داء
Whatever is within four miles (between it and the grave) has cure in it. The same could be said about the grave of my grandfather, the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as well the graves of Hussain, ‘Ali, and Muhammad, so take from them. They contain the cure to every ailment, sickness, and insanity that you fear…[8]
NEXT⇒ Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “In Jannat there will be Music”
[1] Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/423-424, Bab al Kam’ah; Amali al Tusi, 1/394; Bihar al Anwar, 66/231, # 2.
[2] Wasa’il al Shia, 17/132-133, 159, 160, 109, Bab al Kam’ah; al Hilyah, pg. 411; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/378, 424, 389; al Basa’ir, pg. 524; Tibb al A’immah, pg. 82; al Da’a’im, 2/148 # 520; Tibb al Nabi wa l-A’immah, pg. 43 # 3, chapter seven, curing the eyes and ears, pg. 198, Bab al Kam’ah.
[3] Al Da’a’im, 2/147 # 520; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/424.
[4] Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/423, Bab al Kam’ah; Makarim al Akhlaq, pg. 181; Bihar al Anwar, 66/217 # 9, Ramz al Sihhah, Tibb al Nabi wa l-A’immah, pg. 198 # 1.
[5] Wasa’il al Shia, 17/109, 110 Bab al ‘Ajwah; Bihar al Anwar 60/40; al ‘Awali, 1/107-108, 184; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/385; al Da’a’im, 2/111 # 364; Tibb al Nabi wa l-A’immah, pg. 124 # 5 Bab al Tamr.
[6] Tibb al Nabi wa l-A’immah, pg. 127; Wasa’il al Shia, 17/110; Al Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/385, Bab al ‘Ajwah.
[7] Wasa’il al Shia, 16/395.
[8] Wasa’il al Shia, 16/396, 397; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 16/203, 204.