Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “A Mu’min is the Mirror of His Brother, When He Sees a Fault in Him, He Corrects it”

Section two
December 2, 2015
Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “A Man Earns the Status of the One Who Stands in Prayer at Night by Means of His Good Character”
December 2, 2015

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Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “A Mu’min is the Mirror of His Brother, When He Sees a Fault in Him, He Corrects it”


On page 260, he says:


وحديث المؤمن مراة اخيه, اذا راى فيه عيبا اصلحه

And the hadith: “A believer is the mirror of his brother, when he sees a fault in him, he corrects it.”


Our comment: This hadith is also among those that have been narrated authentically and established from their grandfather. Musa ibn Jafar reports from his fore fathers that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:


المؤمن مراة لاخيه المؤمن ينصحه اذا غاب عنه و يميط عنه ما يكره اذا شهد و يوسع له فى المجلس

A believer is a mirror of his believing brother. He wishes well for him in his absence, removes from him that which he dislikes when he is present, and he makes space for him in a gathering.[1]


Al Majlisi reports from Harith ibn Mughirah who says that Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah said:


المسلم اخو المسلم وهو عينه و مراته و دليله لا يخونه ولا يظلمه ولا يخدعه ولا يكذبه ولا يغتابه

A Muslim is the brother of his fellow Muslim. He is the eye, mirror, and guide of his brother. He does not cheat him, oppress him, deceive him belie him, or backbite regarding him.[2]


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[1]Bihar al Anwar, 74/233, 268; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 8/320; al Jafariyyat, pg. 197, 548, 9/45; Musadaqat al Ikhwan, pg. 14.

[2] Bihar al Anwar, 74/270, 77/414.

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Abu Rayyah Rejects the Hadith, “A Mu’min is the Mirror of His Brother, When He Sees a Fault in Him, He Corrects it”


On page 260, he says:


وحديث المؤمن مراة اخيه, اذا راى فيه عيبا اصلحه

And the hadith: “A believer is the mirror of his brother, when he sees a fault in him, he corrects it.”


Our comment: This hadith is also among those that have been narrated authentically and established from their grandfather. Musa ibn Jafar reports from his fore fathers that the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:


المؤمن مراة لاخيه المؤمن ينصحه اذا غاب عنه و يميط عنه ما يكره اذا شهد و يوسع له فى المجلس

A believer is a mirror of his believing brother. He wishes well for him in his absence, removes from him that which he dislikes when he is present, and he makes space for him in a gathering.[1]


Al Majlisi reports from Harith ibn Mughirah who says that Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah said:


المسلم اخو المسلم وهو عينه و مراته و دليله لا يخونه ولا يظلمه ولا يخدعه ولا يكذبه ولا يغتابه

A Muslim is the brother of his fellow Muslim. He is the eye, mirror, and guide of his brother. He does not cheat him, oppress him, deceive him belie him, or backbite regarding him.[2]


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[1]Bihar al Anwar, 74/233, 268; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 8/320; al Jafariyyat, pg. 197, 548, 9/45; Musadaqat al Ikhwan, pg. 14.

[2] Bihar al Anwar, 74/270, 77/414.