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On page 157, he quotes a hadith under the heading, “A nation was turned into rats”. Al Bukhari and Muslim report from Abu Hurairah, who narrates from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam:
فقدت أمة من بني إسرائيل لا تدرى ما فعلت وإني لا أراها إلا الفار إذا وضع لها ألبان إلابل لم تشرب وإذا وضع لها ألبان الشاء شربت
A nation who belonged to Banu Isra’il could not be traced. Nobody knew what they did. I am sure that they (were turned into) rats. This is because if the milk of camels is placed before it, it abstains and if a sheep’s milk is put before it, it consumes it.[1]
He then plants a few seeds of doubt:
هذا من السخافة بمثابة تربأ عنها الأمة الوكعاء إلا أن تكون مدخولة العقل، ولكن الشيخين بمثابة يلبسان هذا المخرّف على غيثة- أي فساد عقله- ويحتجان به على سخافته ولو أن هذا لا يعود على الإسلام بوصمة لقلدناه حبله لكنها السنة المعصومة يجب الذود عن حياضها بكل ما أوتي المسلم من قوة …..فإن هذه الخرافات من أعظم ما مني به الاسلام من الآفات
The absurdity of this is such that any stable nation will denounce it, except if they are mentally deranged. However, al Bukhari and Muslim support this lunatic, despite his mental derangement and they set store by his narrations despite their absurdity. If this did not paint a negative image of Islam, we would not have interfered in his matters. However, since this is the protected Sunnah, it has become necessary to defend it using all avenues that a Muslim has at his disposal. Indeed, these ridiculous narrations are among the worst calamities that have befallen Islam.
Our comment: If this author considers this hadith absurd, then let him have a look at a few more absurdities, this time from his camp. Madinat al Ma’ajiz:
زيد الشحّام، عن الأصبغ بن نباته أن أمير المؤمنين(ع) جاءه نفر من المنافقين ، فقالوا: أنت الذي تقول أن هذا الجريّ: مسخ حرام ؟ فقال: نعم، فقالوا: أرنا برهانه، فجاء بهم إلى الفرات، ونادى هناس هناس ، فاجابه الجريّ لبيك . فقال له أمير المؤمنين: من أنت ؟ فقال: ممّن عرضت ولايتك! عليه فأبى فمسخ!، وإنّ في من معك من يمسخ كما مسخنا!!، ويصير كما صرنا، فقال أمير المؤمنين: بيّن قصّتك ليسمع من حضر فيعلم، فقال: نعم كنّا أربع وعشرين قبيلة!! من بني اسرائيل!!، وكنّا قد تمّردنا وعصينا!، وعرضت علينا ولايتك! فأبينا!!، وفارقنا البلاد واستعملنا الفساد، فجاءنا آتٍ أنت أعلم به والله منّا فصرخ فينا صرخة فجمعنا جمعاً واحداً … ثم صاح صيحة أخرى وقال: كونوا مسوخاً بقدرة الله تعالى، فمسخنا أجناساً مختلفة … وصرنا مسوخاً كما ترى
Zaid al Shahham reports from al Asbagh ibn Nubatah who says, “A group of hypocrites appeared before Amir al Mu’minin.
They said, ‘Are you the one who says that this Jirriyy[2] transformed and is thus impermissible?’
He replied, ‘Yes.’
They challenged him, ‘Show us the proof thereof!’
He then took them to the Euphrates and made a sound (to call them). The Jirriyy responded to him saying, ‘At your service.’
Amir al Mu’minin asked them, ‘Who are you?’
It replied, ‘Among those upon whom your Wilayah was presented but rejected it and so we were transformed. And amongst those with you are some who will be transformed just as we were transformed.’
Amir al Mu’minin requested, ‘Explain your story so that those who are present may listen and learn.’
It replied, ‘Yes, we, the Banu Isra’il, were fourteen tribes. We rebelled and disobeyed. Your Wilayah was presented to us but we rejected it. We left the community and made mischief our primary occupation. All of a sudden, someone came to us, you and Allah know better regarding him than us, gave out one cry amongst us and gathered all of us at once. He gave a second cry and said, ‘Become transformed by means of the power of Allah!’ Consequently, we all turned into different forms… and we were transformed to the form that you can see.’”[3]
Our comment: The absurdity of this is such that any stable nation will denounce it. However, since this is the protected Sunnah, it has become necessary to defend it using all avenues that a Muslim has at his disposal. Indeed, these ridiculous narrations are among the worst calamities that have befallen Islam. So, what do you have to say regarding this nonsense, regarding the claim and the proof?
و عن الكاظم(ع) أنه قال عن المسوخ : بأنها اثنا عشر صنفاً ولها علل ، فأما الفيل فانه مسخ كان ملكاً زناء لوطياً ، ومسخ الدب لأنه كان أعرابياً ديوثاً ، ومسخت الأرنب لأنها كانت أمرأة تخون زوجها ولا تغتسل من حيض ولا جنابة ، ومسخ الوطواط لأنه كان يسرق تمور الناس ، ومسخ سهيل لأنه كان عشارا باليمن ، ومسخت الزهرة لأنها كانت امرأة فتن بها هاروت وماروت، وأما القردة والخنازير فانهم قوم من بني اسرائيل اعتدوا في السبت ، وأما الجري والضب ففرقة من بني اسرئيل حين نزلت المائدة على عيسى لم يؤمنوا به فتاهوا فوقعت فرقة في البحر وفرقة في البر، وأما العقرب فانه كان رجلا نماما ، وأما الزنبور فكان لحاما يسرق في الميزان
It is narrated from Imam al Kazim that he claims that the transformed species are twelve in number and each of them have been transformed due to a specific reason. The elephant was transformed due to being a homosexual adulterous king. The bear was transformed due to being an immoral Bedouin. The rabbit was transformed for being a disloyal wife who would not bath after the termination of her menstruation and after becoming impure. The bat was transformed due to stealing the dates of people. The Canopus was transformed for being the tithe[4] collector of Yemen. The flower was a woman who was used to test Harut and Marut. As for monkeys and pigs, they were a nation from Banu Isra’il who transgressed on the day of Saturday. The Jariyy and the lizard are a nation of Banu Isra’il who disbelieved when the table descended for ‘Isa ‘alayh al Salam, thus, they wandered aimlessly (on the earth). One of them became a species in the ocean, and the other, a species on land. The scorpion was a man who loved carrying tales. As for the hornet, it was a butcher who would cheat whilst weighing.[5]
To avoid the lengthy narrations, I will suffice upon quoting for you, O honourable reader, the titles of the chapters under which Hashim al Bahrani discusses what he refers to as the miracles of the Imams in his book Madinat al Ma’ajiz:
Our comment: These are the fabrications which could be considered the greatest calamities that have befallen Islam. We ask Allah for forgiveness. We request His protection as far as our din and intelligence is concerned. May He protect us from following our desires and going astray.
[1] Sahih al Bukhari, Bad’ al Khalq; Sahih Muslim, al Zuhd wa l-Riqaq.
[2] A species of fish.
[3] Madinat al Ma’ajiz, 2/42 # 387.
[4] One tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy.
[5] Hilyat al Muttaqin, pg. 647-648.
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On page 157, he quotes a hadith under the heading, “A nation was turned into rats”. Al Bukhari and Muslim report from Abu Hurairah, who narrates from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam:
فقدت أمة من بني إسرائيل لا تدرى ما فعلت وإني لا أراها إلا الفار إذا وضع لها ألبان إلابل لم تشرب وإذا وضع لها ألبان الشاء شربت
A nation who belonged to Banu Isra’il could not be traced. Nobody knew what they did. I am sure that they (were turned into) rats. This is because if the milk of camels is placed before it, it abstains and if a sheep’s milk is put before it, it consumes it.[1]
He then plants a few seeds of doubt:
هذا من السخافة بمثابة تربأ عنها الأمة الوكعاء إلا أن تكون مدخولة العقل، ولكن الشيخين بمثابة يلبسان هذا المخرّف على غيثة- أي فساد عقله- ويحتجان به على سخافته ولو أن هذا لا يعود على الإسلام بوصمة لقلدناه حبله لكنها السنة المعصومة يجب الذود عن حياضها بكل ما أوتي المسلم من قوة …..فإن هذه الخرافات من أعظم ما مني به الاسلام من الآفات
The absurdity of this is such that any stable nation will denounce it, except if they are mentally deranged. However, al Bukhari and Muslim support this lunatic, despite his mental derangement and they set store by his narrations despite their absurdity. If this did not paint a negative image of Islam, we would not have interfered in his matters. However, since this is the protected Sunnah, it has become necessary to defend it using all avenues that a Muslim has at his disposal. Indeed, these ridiculous narrations are among the worst calamities that have befallen Islam.
Our comment: If this author considers this hadith absurd, then let him have a look at a few more absurdities, this time from his camp. Madinat al Ma’ajiz:
زيد الشحّام، عن الأصبغ بن نباته أن أمير المؤمنين(ع) جاءه نفر من المنافقين ، فقالوا: أنت الذي تقول أن هذا الجريّ: مسخ حرام ؟ فقال: نعم، فقالوا: أرنا برهانه، فجاء بهم إلى الفرات، ونادى هناس هناس ، فاجابه الجريّ لبيك . فقال له أمير المؤمنين: من أنت ؟ فقال: ممّن عرضت ولايتك! عليه فأبى فمسخ!، وإنّ في من معك من يمسخ كما مسخنا!!، ويصير كما صرنا، فقال أمير المؤمنين: بيّن قصّتك ليسمع من حضر فيعلم، فقال: نعم كنّا أربع وعشرين قبيلة!! من بني اسرائيل!!، وكنّا قد تمّردنا وعصينا!، وعرضت علينا ولايتك! فأبينا!!، وفارقنا البلاد واستعملنا الفساد، فجاءنا آتٍ أنت أعلم به والله منّا فصرخ فينا صرخة فجمعنا جمعاً واحداً … ثم صاح صيحة أخرى وقال: كونوا مسوخاً بقدرة الله تعالى، فمسخنا أجناساً مختلفة … وصرنا مسوخاً كما ترى
Zaid al Shahham reports from al Asbagh ibn Nubatah who says, “A group of hypocrites appeared before Amir al Mu’minin.
They said, ‘Are you the one who says that this Jirriyy[2] transformed and is thus impermissible?’
He replied, ‘Yes.’
They challenged him, ‘Show us the proof thereof!’
He then took them to the Euphrates and made a sound (to call them). The Jirriyy responded to him saying, ‘At your service.’
Amir al Mu’minin asked them, ‘Who are you?’
It replied, ‘Among those upon whom your Wilayah was presented but rejected it and so we were transformed. And amongst those with you are some who will be transformed just as we were transformed.’
Amir al Mu’minin requested, ‘Explain your story so that those who are present may listen and learn.’
It replied, ‘Yes, we, the Banu Isra’il, were fourteen tribes. We rebelled and disobeyed. Your Wilayah was presented to us but we rejected it. We left the community and made mischief our primary occupation. All of a sudden, someone came to us, you and Allah know better regarding him than us, gave out one cry amongst us and gathered all of us at once. He gave a second cry and said, ‘Become transformed by means of the power of Allah!’ Consequently, we all turned into different forms… and we were transformed to the form that you can see.’”[3]
Our comment: The absurdity of this is such that any stable nation will denounce it. However, since this is the protected Sunnah, it has become necessary to defend it using all avenues that a Muslim has at his disposal. Indeed, these ridiculous narrations are among the worst calamities that have befallen Islam. So, what do you have to say regarding this nonsense, regarding the claim and the proof?
و عن الكاظم(ع) أنه قال عن المسوخ : بأنها اثنا عشر صنفاً ولها علل ، فأما الفيل فانه مسخ كان ملكاً زناء لوطياً ، ومسخ الدب لأنه كان أعرابياً ديوثاً ، ومسخت الأرنب لأنها كانت أمرأة تخون زوجها ولا تغتسل من حيض ولا جنابة ، ومسخ الوطواط لأنه كان يسرق تمور الناس ، ومسخ سهيل لأنه كان عشارا باليمن ، ومسخت الزهرة لأنها كانت امرأة فتن بها هاروت وماروت، وأما القردة والخنازير فانهم قوم من بني اسرائيل اعتدوا في السبت ، وأما الجري والضب ففرقة من بني اسرئيل حين نزلت المائدة على عيسى لم يؤمنوا به فتاهوا فوقعت فرقة في البحر وفرقة في البر، وأما العقرب فانه كان رجلا نماما ، وأما الزنبور فكان لحاما يسرق في الميزان
It is narrated from Imam al Kazim that he claims that the transformed species are twelve in number and each of them have been transformed due to a specific reason. The elephant was transformed due to being a homosexual adulterous king. The bear was transformed due to being an immoral Bedouin. The rabbit was transformed for being a disloyal wife who would not bath after the termination of her menstruation and after becoming impure. The bat was transformed due to stealing the dates of people. The Canopus was transformed for being the tithe[4] collector of Yemen. The flower was a woman who was used to test Harut and Marut. As for monkeys and pigs, they were a nation from Banu Isra’il who transgressed on the day of Saturday. The Jariyy and the lizard are a nation of Banu Isra’il who disbelieved when the table descended for ‘Isa ‘alayh al Salam, thus, they wandered aimlessly (on the earth). One of them became a species in the ocean, and the other, a species on land. The scorpion was a man who loved carrying tales. As for the hornet, it was a butcher who would cheat whilst weighing.[5]
To avoid the lengthy narrations, I will suffice upon quoting for you, O honourable reader, the titles of the chapters under which Hashim al Bahrani discusses what he refers to as the miracles of the Imams in his book Madinat al Ma’ajiz:
Our comment: These are the fabrications which could be considered the greatest calamities that have befallen Islam. We ask Allah for forgiveness. We request His protection as far as our din and intelligence is concerned. May He protect us from following our desires and going astray.
[1] Sahih al Bukhari, Bad’ al Khalq; Sahih Muslim, al Zuhd wa l-Riqaq.
[2] A species of fish.
[3] Madinat al Ma’ajiz, 2/42 # 387.
[4] One tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy.
[5] Hilyat al Muttaqin, pg. 647-648.